Nero Timeline

By 134541
  • 37

    Birth of Nero

  • 50

    Nero adopted by Emperor Claudius

  • 53

    Nero marries Octavia

  • 54

    Nero becomes Emperor of the Roman Empire

    Claudius dies (speculated that he was poisoned by his wife Agrippina), this makes Nero Emperor of Rome at the age of 17
  • Period: 54 to 68

    Nero's Reign

  • 59

    Nero begins to get "out of control"

  • 62

    Nero divorces Octavia, he then banishes her and later kills her

  • 64

    The Great Fire of Rome

  • 64

    First imperial 'persecution' of Christians

  • 65

    Start of scandals and plots on Nero's life; Nero starts to execute anyone he suspected of treason

    Nero’s first public stage performance leads to scandals and plots on his life; in the interest of personal security, Nero kills anyone he suspected of treason
  • 66

    Outbreak of rebellion in Judea, the first Jewish revolt against Rome

  • 68

    Revolt of Vindex

  • 68

    Galba's troops in Spain hail Galba as emperor

  • 68

    Nero commits suicide

  • 69

    Year of the Four Emperors

    Galba, Otho, Vitellius and Vespasian