Neolithic-Middle Ages Timeline

  • 10,000 BCE

    Neolithic Revolution

    Neolithic Revolution
    Transition of many human cultures during neolithic period lifestyle of hunting & gathering to one of agricultural & settlement. this made the population to increase
  • 1754 BCE

    Babylon and Code of Hammurabi

    Babylon and Code of Hammurabi
    the Code of Hammurabi is one of the oldest deciphered writings of significant length in the world. The code is a well- preserved Babylonian code of law of ancient Mesopotamia
  • 800 BCE

    Ancient Greece

    Ancient Greece
    Ancient Greece refers to time tree centuries before the classical age, between 800 B.C and 500 B.C a relatively sophisticated period. Greece saw advantages in art, poetry, and tech.
  • 753 BCE

    Ancient Rome

    Ancient Rome
    "ancient Rome is Roman civilization from the founding of the city of Rome in the 8th century BC to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD, encompassing the Roman Kingdom, Roman Republic and Roman Empire until the fall of the western empire." -
  • 476 BCE

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    In the history of Europe, the Middle Ages lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. It began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery.