Neoker is born.
IGAPE awards a grant for the investments required for implementation of the demonstration plant.
First capital increase: Unirisco S.C.R. y Uninvest S.G.E.C.R. become shareholders.
Neoker participates, for the first time, in the event "Nanotech Japan 2008", held in Tokyo.
The Galician Government decides to support the project through the "Supplemental Grant Program."
Neoker makes its first sales.
Neoker participates, for the second time, as an exhibitor at the Spanish Pavilion at "Nanotech Japan 2009"
Official opening of our facilities, fully functional.
We are selected by the experts at WBT Showcase, to participate in “World´s Best Technology 2009"
The first agreements are signed for collaborative product development (automotive sector).
We are selected to participate in the "International Cooperation for Business Innovation" Projetc.
Second capital increase.
Neoker participates in "Nanotech Japan 2011".
We open our sales office in Germany.
Neoker attends, under the Spanish Pavilion, at the “RusnanotechExpo 2011” (Moscow), during the Spain-Russia dual years.
Neoker works in more than ten ongoing development projects in collaboration with R&D centers and multinationals companies.
Neoker´s technology, after being evaluated by a scientific experts committee, has been selected by the CNES (France) and will be introduced to 200 professionals from the European aerospace industry in a CCT event in Toulouse.
Neoker, invited to lecture on our experience as a start-up in Europe in the "4th International Congress on Ceramics" (Chicago)
Disinvestment process of our old VC shareholder giving the entry to a new powerful international investment partner.
Neoker starts scaling production process.
Neoker starts collaborations with Tsinghua Innovation Centre in Dongguan.
Is created the Advanced Composite Materials Research Centre.
Neoker implements a R&D Management Systems under the standard UNE 166002:2006.
Neoker is recertified under the standard ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management System)
Neoker is recertified under the standard ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental Management System)
Neoker is recertified under the European Regulation 1221/2009 (Environmental Statement Validation - EMASIII)
Neoker works in more than twenty ongoing development projects in collaboration with R&D centres and multinationals companies. Our IP portfolio is incremented.