Nelson Mandela

  • Birth

    Nelson Mandela was Born in Mveso, South Africa on July 18,1918. His mother was Nonqaphi Nosekeni and his father was Nkosi Mphakanyiswa Gadla Mandela. Mandelas real name was Rolihlahla Mandela, however in primary school, his teacher gave him the "christian" name of Nelson.
    This event is significant because Mandela grew up to change the south african world for the better.
    Source: (Biography of Nelson Mandela)
  • Color Motion

    Color Motion
    1928 was the first color motion pictures. George Eastman exhibited this in Rochester, NY. This was a big step in the technology industry
    (Grun 497)
  • Fort Hare University

    Fort Hare University
    Mandela was expelled from his college while trying to get a bachelors degree in Art. He was expelled from joining a student protest against diversity.
    This event is significant because it shows how Nelson disagreed and rebelled against the government at young ages.
    Source: ( Biography of Nelson Mandela)
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    World war 2 was the most deadliest war in history, with more than 30 other countries involved. 50 million military soldiers died.
    This event is significant because Africa was involved and they had a lot of tension.
    (Grun, 520)
  • ANC

    In 1944, Mandela joined the ANC, African National Congress. He had a large say in decisions and people respected him. Also it was a start in his movement against racism.
    This event is significant because it was the start of Mandela's voice being recognized and soon heard.
  • Passlaws

    In 1956, Mandela was arrested for resisting "pass laws". They prevented blacks from roaming freely in country. Mandela and other members of ANC were charged with treason for 5 years.
    This event is significant because it was one of the first times Mandela was arrested, and it was to make a change in the community.
  • Protest

    In 1960, police officers fired on a crowd of unarmed protestors. 69 people were killed. They were protesting pass laws and racial issues.
    This event is significant because it struck a spark in opinions of white and black people, and caused a lot of tension.
  • U.S Space Flight

    U.S Space Flight
    Alan Shepard makes the first U.S space flight. He went on the Freedom 7 and was the fifth person to walk the moon. He also was the first man to play golf on the moon. (Grun 549)
  • Arrested Again

    Arrested Again
    Mandela was again arrested in 1962 for leaving South Africa and inciting strikes. He left illegally to gain help from England with their situation, sentenced for 5 years in prison.
    This event is significant because many people apposed to it and they all jined together to revolt
    Source: (Tyle)
  • World Series loss

    World Series loss
    St.Louis defeats Boston Red Sox in the World Series. They won 4-3 however Boston will later come back in 2007. St. Louis is in the National League while Red Sox are in American League.
    (Grun 561)
  • Martin Luther King Day

    Martin Luther King Day
    President Reagan signs legislation to make Martin Luther King jr.s birthday a holiday. The holiday started from 1986 onward.
    (Grun 607)
  • Convention

    Late 1991 a convention was held for all races to determine the next president. This gave black people a chance to determine their future as a whole.
    This is significant because black people had voices and a bright future.
  • Election

    Mandela won his election against de Klerk. He became the first black President in South Africa.
    This event is significant because he changed the lives or many citizens
  • Retirement Of Presidency

    Retirement Of Presidency
    Mandela retired in 1999, leaving Thabo Mbeki to become president. In his presidency, Mandela introduced housing, education, and economic development designed to improve living conditions of black people.
    This event is significant because Mandela later dies and leads on his legacy as accomplishing many things.
    (encyclopedia britannica)
  • Neushwanstein

    In 2002 a 660 pound meteorite plunged into earths atmosphere and explodes in a fireball over Bavaria. A piece is found and named Neushwanstein after a famous castle nearby.
    (Grun 709)
  • Death

    Mandela died at his home in Johannesburg on December 5,2013. he was in retirement for over 10 years, and died peacefully.
    This event is significant because Mandela died after being president, and changing segregation for better, he died with peace and lived on as a legend.
    (Biography of Nelson Mandela)