Nelson mandela l (1)

Nelson Mandela

  • Date of birth

    Date of birth
    He was born on 18th July 1918.
  • Marriage

    In 1944 he married Walter Sisulu’s cousin, Evelyn Mase, a nurse.
  • Period: to


    From 1964 to 1982 Mandela was incarcerated at Robben Island Prison, off Cape Town.
  • Release

    On 11th February, 1990, the South African government under President de Klerk released Mandela from prison.
  • President of ANC

    President of ANC
    He became president of the ANC party on July 1991.
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Nobel Peace Prize
    In 1993 he received the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • First Black President

    First Black President
    On 10th April 1994 the Mandela-led ANC won South Africa’s first elections.
  • Death

    Nelson Mandela died on 5th December 2013.