Nebraska territory

  • The first treaty between the Oto Tribe and the US government

    The first treaty between the Oto Tribe and the US government
    the oto signed a treaty with the us. All their land west of the Missouri was given to the government except for a little bit witch was made into a reservation.
  • Preemption Act of 1841 passed

    Preemption Act of 1841 passed
    It made it so that people that lived on government owned land, could buy that land before it was up for sale to the public.
  • The treaty in 1892 between the US government and the Lakota Tribe

    The treaty in 1892 between the US government and the Lakota Tribe
    A bunch of treaties made that made the Indians give up their land.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act passed

    Kansas-Nebraska Act passed
    This made Nebraska and Kansas a territory. It also started some more stuff about slavery and if there should be slaves in Nebraska and Kansas.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    The civil was was a war that lasted about 4 years. It started because the south tried to leave because they where mad about slavery.
  • Homestead Act passed

    Homestead Act passed
    A law passed so that anyone who was willing to farm land could get some.
  • The Charter for the Transcontinental Railroad passed

    The Charter for the Transcontinental Railroad passed
    It gave the rail road land for any rail road they built.
  • Morrill Act passed

    Morrill Act passed
    It was a law created to set land aside for colleges to be built.
  • Period: to

    Construction of the transcontinental railroad

    Two company where building railroads from two sides of the us to connect in the middle.
  • Plum Creek Massacre

    Plum Creek Massacre
    Some Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians attacked a wagon killing thirteen people.
  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Sand Creek Massacre
    The Us attacked some Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians at sandy creek.
  • Nebraska becomes a State

    Nebraska becomes a State
    Nebraska was the 37th state admitted. Settlers moved in and pushed Indians out of Nebraska.
  • The first Treaty of Fort Laramie

    The first Treaty of Fort Laramie
    A treaty was signed between the Government and the Sioux Nation. It also set aside the black hills as a reservation for them.