Nebraska Terr.

  • The first treaty between the Oto Tribe and the US government

    The first treaty between the Oto Tribe and the US government
    the two groups had made peace with each other with pages of aggrement.
  • Preemption Act of 1841

    Preemption Act of 1841
    the head of a house can buy land up to 160 acres.
    1.25 a acres
    you can obtain land by military service or buying it from others aswell.
  • Kansas Nebraska act

    Kansas Nebraska act
    the had given birth to the Nebraska/Kansas territory which later made them two states off of land that was bought during the Luisiana purchase.
  • Period: to

    Civil War (timespan)

    the US's bloodiest war and it was for the battle of slavery
  • Homestead Act passed

    Homestead Act passed
    gave 160 acres to whoever agreed to farm it and if they show they had some good with the land given in 5 years of time they get to keep the land.
  • The Charter for the Transcontinental Railroad

    The Charter for the Transcontinental Railroad
    a man wanted to make a train track that went across the US. so they had aloud him to with this act and gave the teams building it 10 miles of each side of the railroad that they had built.
  • Morrill Act passed

    Morrill Act passed
    the US had given land to the states to build colleges on the land given and provided.
  • Period: to

    Construction of the transcontinental railroad (timespan)

    Central Pacific Railroad Company, union pacific Railroad company both built the rail road but got 10 miles off of each side of the rail road that they build.
  • Plum Creek Massacre

    Plum Creek Massacre
    cheyyennes and arapahoes attacked U.S. citizens
  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Sand Creek Massacre
    Colonel John Chivington with vollenteers slaughtered the arapahoe and cheyyenne people and even when they surrendered they still killed the rest of them.
  • Nebraska becomes a State

    Nebraska becomes a State
    Nebraska was emited by the union to be the 37th state.
  • The first Treaty of Fort Laramie

    The first Treaty of Fort Laramie
    the US had given them the black hills for their reservation
  • The treaty in 1892 between the US government and the Lakota Tribe

    The treaty in 1892 between the US government and the Lakota Tribe
    this was the final treaty in the Land of NE. with america getting the small amount of land.