
  • Administration Training

  • Trainer of Teachers

    Pick teachers who are willing to become early adopters adn train other teachers
  • Using Nearpod to Elevate Student Learning Trainings for TOT

    What exactly is Nearpod? In this session, experience the power of Nearpod and learn three ways it can elevate student learning in your classroom. It is a game changer.
  • Digital Citizenship PD via Nearpod K-12

    Bring back TOT to train
  • Nearpod El

    Bring in EL coordinators from each site to explore EL premade lessons
  • College and Career Exploration

    Counselors get training on implementation that supports the whole child
  • ELA Trainings

    HS ELA teacher trainings
  • Math PD

    HS math teachers come in for training
  • Science PD

    HS Science teachers come in for training with PhET simulation integration
  • Discussions with Steering Committee

    Discuss when to start trainings for Social Sciences and middle school teachers for the upcoming school year