NBA Timeline

  • First NBA Draft.

    First NBA Draft.
    Clifton Mcneely becomes the first person to be drafted in the NBA and shows that only the best and only the ones that are fit to play basketball make it to the NBA and survive.
  • Earl Llyoyd:First African American to play in the NBA

    Earl Llyoyd:First African American to play in the NBA
    Earl Lloyd is drafted into the NBA as the first African American to play in the NBA. This showed that the NBA was not racist on any means.
  • Wilt Chamberlin sets the NBA scoring record.

    Wilt Chamberlin sets the NBA scoring record.
    Wilt Chamberlin sets the NBA scoring record with 100 points against the New York Knics.
  • Chris Ford makes the first 3 point shot.

    Chris Ford makes the first 3 point shot.
    Chris Ford makes the first official three point shot in the history of the NBA. This helped players score more points in a game opposed to other 2 point shots. Also as a result more players started to shoot three points.
  • David Stern replaces Larry O'Brien.

    David Stern replaces Larry O'Brien.
    David Stern is announced NBA commissioner replacing Larry O'Brian.
  • Micheal Jordan is drafted third overall to the Chicago Bulls.

    Micheal Jordan is drafted third overall to the Chicago Bulls.
    one of the greastest basketball players of all time, Micheal Jordan, was drafted third overall to the Chicago bulls in the 1984 NBA draft. Alot of poeple in the beg. did not think a draft that is ranked 3rd can become the best basketball player. This shows thats anything is possible.
  • NBA Joins ABA/USA, Changes name to USA Basketball.

    NBA Joins ABA/USA, Changes name to USA Basketball.
    This cemented the NBA as the highest level in the sprot of basketball.
  • Period: to

    NBA Timeline

  • NBA and NBC reach agreement.

    NBA and NBC reach agreement.
    The NBA and NBC recahed agreement on a four year, $600 million contract granting NBC exclusive rights to the NBA from 1990-1991 through 1993-94. This allowed the NBA to be shown acrost all tv's on NBC and made NBA more popular.
  • Magic Johnson retires from the NBA

    Magic Johnson retires from the NBA
    Earvin "Magic" Johnson retired from the NBA after disclosing that he had tested positive for the HIV virus. Johnson, whohelped lead the Lakers to five NBA titles, retired as the leagus all time leader in career assists with 9,921. Magic Johnson was a very good passer. He got his name "Magic" in highschool. After this event, the awareness of aids and hiv was heightined.
  • NBA.COM is launched.

    NBA.COM is launched.
    NBA.COM, the NBA'S official site on the World Wide web is launched. NBA.COM is still running as of March 14, 2013
  • Lebron James wins his first NBA Championship.

    Lebron James wins his first NBA Championship.
    Lebron James wins his first NBA championship in game 5 against the Kevin Durant and the Thunder. Lebron James is known as the King beccause his last name is JAMES as if King James. Also another reason for his name is because he is very good at basketball.