Hitler and the Nazi's Rise to Power

  • Start and beliefs of the National Socialist Worker’s Party (NSDAP/Nazis)

    The previous government was the Weimer Republic, the new coming government was the NSDAP, also known as the nazis.
  • Hitler assumes control of the Nazis

    Hitler assumes control of the Nazis
    Hitler was a German spy and attended his first meeting in September of 1919. Two years later in 1921, Hitler declared that he himself will be the leader.
  • Hitler is arrested and the Nazis gain support with various groups

    After his attempt to overthrow the government, it fails. He is released from prison years later and pledges to make NSDAP an actual party. He ends up successful in doing so.
  • Great Depression and Impact for Nazis

    The Great Depression took a toll on the people of Germany, and the current government at the time failed to do what was necessary. This is where Hitler and the NSDAP came in and they were going to "fix" it, they proceeded to collect many more seats than ever.
  • The Chancellor Deal

    The president at the time, Paul von Hindenburg, refused to offer the position to Hitler, after one supporter, came in support of Hitler, he explains how appointing him could curb Hitler's radicalness and become a more neutral beneficial leader to the people. He was offered the position on January 30th, 1933, and got it.
  • Reichstag Fire and Aftermath

    Hitler was still a decently low-ranking chancellor with the chance of being removed, the fire that occurred gave him room to extend his power and ultimately come to control of the Nazis and Germany.
  • The Enabling Act

    This was a terrible act which essentially made it so Hitler would always have power, they were able to make laws without approval from the government, and he arrested members, therefore rigging votes to never lose.
  • Concentration Camps Opening-(Dealing with Protestors and Presidents section)

    Concentration Camps Opening-(Dealing with Protestors and Presidents section)
    Originally, they were conceived as secure holding facilities for political prisoners who disagreed with Nazi policies and ideas. Instead, there were camps which "housed" Jews, and many terrible things happened, lots of sick, starvation, torture, gas chambers, nothing good happened at these camps, by the end, about 5 million Jews were killed.
  • Hindenburg’s Death and the Aftermath-(Dealing with Protestors and Presidents section)

    Hindenburg’s Death and the Aftermath-(Dealing with Protestors and Presidents section)
    After the death of Hindenburg, Hitler rose to more power, gaining pretty much total control, and no one could really come close to contesting the spot.
  • Rearmament

    Hitler warned of war going to take place four years out, so they prepared by making a strong military and strong forces for the wars.
  • Anschluss-Austrian Takeover

    Austria held a vote on whether or not they should hold independence, Hitler claimed it was rigged. He told them to give power to Nazis stationed in Austria or there will be force upon them to take that power.
  • Czechoslovakia and the Munich Agreement

    They had an agreement of having Nazis come in and take over Sudetenland, but to not go too far in. They came to an agreement of the plans, then later Nazi troops took control of Sudetenland, and stopping a little ways through.