Hitler Develops Ideas in Vienna
(Day and month are inaccurate) -
Kaiser Abdicates and Republic is Declared
End of World War I
World War I led to the collapse of the five great states that maintained the status quo in Europe. This made the creation of single-party authoritarian states quite common. Thus, the rise and rule of Hitler and the Nazis was not unusual at that time. The many weaknesses and disruptions of the Weimar Republic made it even easier for Hitler to take over the political scene. -
Creation of a Democratic Constitution in Weimar
(Day is inaccurate) -
Period: to
Paris Peace Conference
Spartacus League
(Day is inaccurate) Extreme left-wing socialist movement; tried to overthrow Republic; Led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg; -
25-Point Program
(Day and month are inaccurate) Reconciled nationalism and socialism -
Ruhr Crisis
(Day is inaccurate) Germany couldn’t meet heavy demands for reparations; French and the Belgians occupied the Ruhr region; German workers were paid welfare assistance in order to meet the invasion with passive resistance (led to hyperinflation) -
German's Reparation Debt is Fixed
(Day and month are inaccurate) -
Hitler as NSDAP's Chairman
(Day is inaccurate) -
Period: to
Beer Hall Putsch or Munich Putsch
Munich; Hitler and Nazi Party tried to show strength; tried to persuade right-wing Bavarian leaders to agree to Hitler’s plan; Hitler and Ludendorff led an invasion, but they were eventually arrested -
Dawes Plan
(Day and month are inaccurate) Created by United States; reduced German reparations to America; made Germany dependent on U.S. loans -
Period: to
Hitler in Landsberg Fortress
(Day of release is inaccurate) Spent time writing Mein Kampf; more like a hotel than a prison -
Period: to
Golden Years of Weimar
Weimar economy flourished with the help of US loans -
Period: to
Grand Coalition
(Innacurate months and days) Created under Chancellor Müller; commanded over 60% of seats in Reichstag; they broke up 'cause they couldn't agree on the necessary cuts needed; break-up resulted in 5 Reichstag elections in 3 years -
Reichstag Elections
(Innacurate day) Nazis won 12 seats (2.6% of the vote) -
Young Plan
(Day and month are inaccurate) Negotiated to ease reparations' burden -
Unemployment Reaches 2 Million
(Inaccurate month and day) -
Gustav Stresemann's Death
Wall Street Crash
Period: to
Chancellor Heinrich Brüning
(Days are inaccurate) -
Reichstag Elections
(Day is inaccurate) Nazis win 107 seats (18.3% of the vote) -
Unemployment Reaches 4.5 Million
(Inaccurate day and month) -
Unemplyment Reaches 6 Million
(Day is inaccurate) -
Period: to
Presidential Elections
First round (March, Hitler won 30.2% of votes and forced second ballot); second round (Hitler traveled to 21 different towns and the number of votes increased to 36.7%); Hitler made capital from these elections; Hindenburg beat Hitler -
Catalyst for Hitler's Chancellorship
(Day and month are inaccurate) Unemplyment; high reparations; the government could not figure out how to pay the war veterans (economic crisis); this led to the collapse of the government 'cause nobody agreed on anything (political crisis) -
Period: to
Chancellor Franz von Papen
(Days are inaccurate) -
Peak of Nazi Electoral Fortunes
(Day is innacurate) Nazis won 230 seats in the Reichstag (largest German party) -
Reichstag Elections
(Day is inaccurate) Nazis win 196 Reichstag seats -
Period: to
Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher
(Days are inaccurate) -
Hitler Became Chancellor
Reichstag Fire
Reichstag building was burnt down; Nazis claimed it was the communists' fault; Hindenburg issued an emergency decree which got rid of the Nazis' political opponents -
Reichstag Elections
Nazis gained 43.9% of the total votes; Hitler had to rely on other parties to obtain the two-thirds majority needed to change the constitution -
Enabling Act
Destroyed power of the Reichstag by alloweing the chancellor to issue laws without consultation for four years; basis for Hitler's dictatorship -
Final Details of the Holocaust Established
(Day and month are inaccurate)