Ludendorff conceded that Germany was defeated
Prince Max of Baden appointed chancellor
Bavaria claimed a socialist Republic
Kaiser's abdication, Ebert appointed Chancellor and Germany becomes a Republic
Armistice between Germany and Allies signed at Compiegne
German Communist Party founded
Creation of the DAP (German Workers Party) by Anton Drexler
Start of Spartacist Uprising [Berlin]
National Constituent Assembly meet at Weiman
Treaty of Versailles
Weimar Constituent adopted by the National Constitution Assembly
Weimar Consitution signed by President Ebert
Period: to
From Second to Third Reich
DAP changes name to NSDAP (National Socialist German Worker's Party)
25 Point Programme by Drexler and Hitler
Kapp Putsch
IARD fix reparations at £6600 million
Franco-Belgian Ruhr Occupation
Hyperinflation - Jan to Nov
Ruhr Passive Resistance
Stresseman made Chancellor
Aug-Nov: Stresseman's 100 Days -
Munich Beer Hall Putsch
Retenmark Introduced
Dawes Plan
Mein Kampf dictated
Hitler sent to Landsberg Prison
Hitler released
NSDAP re-founded in Munich
Hindenburg elected as President
Locarno Conference
Bamberg Conference - Hitler's leadership of the party re-established
Muller Grand Coalition
Hugenburg leader of DNVP
Reichstag election result
Kellogg-Briand Pact
The Great Depression
Young Plan
Wall Street Crash
Death of Stresseman
Wall Street Crash
Resignation of Muller's government
Bruning appointed Chancellor
Young Plan approved by Reichstag
Reichstag Election - Nazi's are second largest party
Bruning's economic measures imposed by presidential drecree
5 leading German banks failed
Formation of Harzburg Front
Unemployment peaks at 6.1million
Re-election of Hindenburg as president of Germany
Papen appointed Chancellor
Bruning resigned
Reichstag Election - Nazi's are the largest party in Reichstag
Reichstag pass vote of "no confidence" to Papen's government, 512 to 42
Nazi vote dropped to 33.1 from 37.3 percent
Papen dismissed as Chancellor and replaced by Schleicher
Schleicher dismissed and Hitler appointed as Chancellor
Reichstag Fire, Communists blamed
Appointment of Schacht as Reichstag President
Final Reichstag elections according to Weimar Constitution
Day of Potsdam
Enabling Act passed
First official boycott of Jewish shops and professions
Burning of the Books
Creation of the German Labour Front
Concordat signed with the Papacy
All political opposition to NSDAP (Nazi's) declared illegal
End of the Great Depression
Reich Minister of Education created: control of education was taken away from the Lander
Creation of the Confessional Church
Mass arrests by Gestapo of socialists and communists
Night of Long Knives (SA destroyed by SS)
Appointment of Schacht as Minister of Economics
Hindenburg dies. Hitler is both Chancellor and President. Oath of loyalty taken by the army.
New Plan introduced
Mass arrests by Gestapo of socialists and communists
Nuremburg Race Laws introduced
Appointment of Himmler as Chief of the German Police
Four Year Plan established under Goering
Papal encyclial, Mit Brennender Sorge, issued
Schacht resigns as Minister of Economics
Planned putsch by General Beck if war resulted from Czech crisis
Creation of the Reich Central Office for Jewish Emigration
Creation of RSHA
German invasion of Polan
Britain and rance declared war
War Economy decrees
Operation Barbarossa - German invasion of the USSR
Bishop Galen's sermon against euthanasia
Rationalisation Decree issued by Hitler
Germany declared war on USA following Pearl Harbour - continental war globalised
Wannsee Conference: 'Final Solution' to exterminate the Jews
Red Orchestra discovered and closed down
Appointment of Speer as Minister of Armaments
Speer's reforms to mobilise the war economy
Military 'turn of the tide'; German defeats at El Alamein and Stalingrad
White Rose student group - distribution of anti-Nazi leaflets
German defeat at El Alamein
German surrender at Stalingrad
Goebbels' speech rallied the people for 'total war'
Hamburg fire-storm
Allied landings in Normandy
Stauffenberg Bomb Plot failed to overthrow regime. Army purged.
Peak of German munitions production
Execution of 12 Edelweiss Pirates in Cologne
German surrender: occupation and division of Germany