Joseph Goebbels
Master propagandist of the Nazi regime and dictator of its cultural life for twelve years, Joseph Goebbels was born into a strict Catholic, working-class family, in the Rhineland, on October 29, 1897. He was educated at a Roman Catholic school and went on to study history and literature at the University of Heidelberg and his was Professor Friedrich Gundolf, a Jewish literary historian -
Hitler and Darwinism
Hitler’s administration was the development of policies designed to protect the ‘superior race’. This meant keeping he other races from mixing with the superior race. This included the belief of the survival of the fittest theory. -
May 1913- September 1919 Hitler’s experience in WWI
Hitler started as a soldier and was apointed a Corporal he was wounded twice and was awarded many medals. In October of 1918 he was partially blinded by mustered gas after the war the German Army hired Hitler as an educator and confidential informant. -
National Socialist German Worker’s Party
The national socialist German work party was also know as the Nazi party. They permoted German pride and anti-semitism as well as the disliking of the treaty of Versailles. They were a doctoral party and their leader was Adolf Hitler. At the end of the nazis reign, many of their leaders were convicted of war crimes. -
Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf was hittlers autobiography and sold 9,473 copies in its first year. He wrote it when he was serving time in Landsberg time. It was about the problems in that we're going to take place in Germany and racial purity. Volume 2 of Mein Kampf was on national socialism and was published in 1927. -
Dachau Concentration Camp
Dachau, the first Nazi concentration camp, opened in 1933, shortly after Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) became chancellor of Germany. Located in southern Germany, Dachau initially housed political prisoners however, it eventually evolved into a death camp where countless thousands of Jews died from malnutrition, disease and overwork or were executed. In addition to Jews, the camp’s prisoners included members of other groups Hitler considered unfit for the new Germany, including artists, intellec -
The Geheime Staatspolizei was the secret police of Nazi Germany, and it is the main tool of oppression and destruction, which persecuted Germans and opponents of the regime, and Jews. It later played a central role in helping carry out the Nazi's "Final Solution." The Gestapo was organized soon after the Nazis seized power in 1933 -
Gleichschaltung “coordination"
Gleichschaltung is a very popular word in nazi Germany. Gleichschaltung is translated into the word coordination. Denote a forceful conversion by the Government, for its own purposes, of any organization or group. Hardly any phase of social life, whether industrial, political, religious, or cultural, has escaped the gleichschaltung decrees of the Nazi Government. -
Reichstag Fire Decree
The Reichstag fire was when the German parliament building (Reichstag) burned down, due to this President Hindenburg created a decree in order to protect the people. The cause of the fire is unknown but the nazis and hitter blame the communists. -
Fuhrer “leader-dictator
When German President Paul von Hindenburg died Chancellor Adolf Hitler took over as the absolute dictator of Germany. Fuhrer means Leader. The German army Pleged their allegiance to him and he assured the German people that the Third Reich would last for a thousand years. -
Invasion of Rhineland
Nazi leader Adolf Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles and the Locarno Pact by sending German military forces into the Rhineland, a demilitarized zone along the Rhine River in western Germany. The Treaty of Versailles, signed in July 1919–eight months after the guns fell silent in World War I-called for stiff war reparation payments and other punishing peace terms for defeated Germany. -
Occupation of Austria and Sudetenland
Hitler insisted that three million Germans in the Sudetenland be given autonomy. Hitler increased his demands and said that the Sudetenland be added on to annexed to Germany. Hitler assured Britain and France that he has no further plans to expand his territory. -
Lebensraum “living space”
This was the day Germany wanted to take over Poland to give themselves more room. They were going to enslave the Slavs and colonize the territory. -
Reichskommissariats (German control in occupied areas)
Hitler set up puppet governments in Western European countries that were peopled by "Aryans" or related "Races". Hitler considered slaves From the Eastern Europe were considered to be an inferior "race". Hitler shoved shoved aside them to provide more ideal living space for the ideal race. -
Chancellor Heinrich Bruning
Hindenburg fought in the Seven Weeks’ War when he was 19, and then in the Franco-Prussian War. He eventually got promoted to a general before retiring from the military in 1911. He died in 1934, and hitter took over.