Great Fire of 1910
Casulties - 87
There was a huge environmental impact caused from this disaster, an estemated 3,000,000 acers of land was burned down during the two days it was going on. Enrie forrests were burnt down. The economic impact was big too, the amount of damages to the towns and places near by was an estemated $1,000,000 of damage -
Good Friday Earthquake
Casualties - 139
The envionmental impact was affected in huge ways, parts of the land were permantly raised by a max of 38 ft. Tsunamis came across the land.
The economic impact was that many people lost their lives and houses. The damage cost was around $311 million then 2.28 billion in currnent us funds. -
2011 Puyehue-Cordón Caulle Eruption
Casualties - None reported
The envirmental impact from this even effected animals in many different ways. The livestock could not be evacuated with the people so they were in the evacuated towns. The wild animals were affected too the ash that was spread was very harmful to them. The economic impact, there wrere huge costs to deal with after the volcano settled, $47mil was payed to those who were affected by the ash and gases. and then the presedent there gave $2.41 billion to the farmers who.