Native History

  • Jan 1, 1535

    Canada is Named

    Canada was named is 1535 from the ST.Lawrence Iroquoian word "Kanata" meaning village, land or settlement.
  • Ettiene Brule coming to Canada

    Brule came alongside Samuel de Champlain to Canada. He was an interpreter for Champlain and was discovered and explored many dangerous areas in the wilderness.
  • Period: to

    Seven Years War

    A war between France and Britain broke out in Noth America. in 1756 the war became a world wide conflict known as the "Seven years War". Bitish victory, Treaty of Paris.
  • The Royal Proclamation is Established

    The Proclamation was issued after a 7 year war to organize Great Britain's empire of Canada. It stabilized the trading and land buying between the Natives and Europeans.
  • Establishment of the Red River Colony

    Establishment of the Red River Colony
    The Red River Colony was established in Canada's noth east, 300,000 square kilometres were granted to Thomas Douglas by the Hudson Bay Company. The colony didnt become successful unti lthe development of Canada in the 19th century, which led to todays Manitoba.
  • Canadian Confederation

    The three British colonies were formed into the first four provinces originally known as Dominion of Canada. Sir John A. MacDonald was the first elected prime minister. Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Ontaria were the first four provinces agreeing to the confederation terms.
  • Red River Rebellion

    Red River Rebellion
    The Red River Rebellion was the first crisis the new government faced after the Canadian Confederation. The Metis leader, Louis Riel lead the Rebellion against the Canadian government. The Rebellion was the result of the Hudson Bay Company selling its territorial rights to Rupert's Land.
  • The Indian Act Established

    This Act was voted in by Parliament of Canada under the Constitution Act. It defines the requirements for legally being recognized as an Indian, and includes legal rights and disabilities for registered Indians.
  • Residential Schools

    Residential Schools
    The Canadian goverment establishes Residential Schools for children of aboriginal decent.
  • The Canada Act

    The Canada Act was an act of the United Kingdoms Supreme leislative body that was requested of the Canadian federal Goverment to change Canadas Constitution.
  • Treaty 8

    Treaty 8 was signed for friendship and peace reasons between First Nations and Europeans. It covers the northern parts of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the southern part of Northwest Territories.
  • Languages are Recognized in NWT

    Languages are Recognized in NWT
    Aboriginal languages are permitted to be used officially in Northwest Territories. Province also becomes officially bilingual with both French and English as official languages.
  • Women's Rights Ammended in Indian Act

    Native women are granted the right to keep their status and aboriginals even after marrying outside of their culture. The children they have out of that marriage also have the right to be called Aboriginals, but grandchildren are excluded from this right.
  • Closing of Residential Schools

    The last Federally run Residential school is closed
  • Nunavut is formed

    Nunavut is formed
    on April 1st, 1999 by the eastern part of the Territoys. It became the largest and newest territory to Canada. The capital was named Iqaluit.