Native americans

  • 1452

    Pope Urban II declares war on all non-Christians.

    He takes the land from all nog-Christian including indians
  • Cherokee Indians are forced to walk to Oklahoma on the Trail of tears

    President Andrew Jackson orders Cherokee Indians off of their land and 4000 indians die along the walk.
  • The U.S. government cancels the Fort Laramie Treaty.

    The settlers break the treaty because their is so much gold
  • Chief Sitting Bulls surrenders to U.S. troops

    Cheif sittning bulls surrender and is sent to prison
  • Over 300 Lakota Sioux die in the Wounded Knee Massacre.

    It is not known who fired the first shot but 300 indians died mostly women and children
  • Robert Latham Owen becomes the first Native American senator.

    He is an cheroki indian and it was a huge braketrough to the sosiety we live in today.