Native American Rights Movement

  • Dennis Banks

    Dennis Banks
    Dennis banks was born on the Leech Lake Reservation
    in northern Minnesota. He was majorly involved in the Native
    American Rights Movement. He helped found the American Indian Movement (AIM), and was one of the main leaders of the association.
  • Period: to

    The Timespan

  • Founding of A.I.M.

    Founding of A.I.M.
  • Occupation of Alcatraz

    Occupation of Alcatraz
  • Major Accomplishments (Early 1970's - 1978)

    Major Accomplishments (Early 1970's - 1978)
    • Beginning in the 1970s, a number of tribes initiated lawsuits to recover land illegally seized by whites.
    • The 1972 Indian Education Act gave Indian parents greater control over their children's schools
    • The 1976 Indian Health Care Act sought to address deficiencies in Indian healthcare.
    • The 1978 Indian Child Welfare Act gave tribes control over custody decisions involving Indian children.
  • Occupation of Wounded Knee by Oglala Sioux

    Occupation of Wounded Knee by Oglala Sioux
  • Native Americans Languages Act

    Native Americans Languages Act
  • Cobell v. Salazar and the Claims Resolution Act

    Cobell v. Salazar and the Claims Resolution Act
  • Continuous Problems

    Native Americans continue to face severe problems related to employment, income, and education. Most reservations and Indian communities are as poor as, or below, the level of the third world/global south countries. Native American students drug usage is two to three times higher than the national averages for that age. More than 1 in 4 native people live in poverty.