Native American History

  • 1540

    Spanish encounter cherokee for 1st time

  • Europeans meet cherokee

  • indians allies with British v Pequots

  • Period: to

    Small Pox Epidemic

    1738, 1760
  • Little british contact with cherokee until

  • Period: to

    Yamasee War

  • British/Cherokee alliance

  • Smallpox Biggest epidemic

  • Period: to

    French and Indian war

  • Period: to

    Cherokee War

  • Period: to

    Delegation of tribes

    keeping Cherokee neutral
  • Treaty of Hopewell

  • Period: to

    Westward push

    trail of tears?
  • James Fenimore Cooper

    Last of the Mohicans
  • Indian Removal Act

  • Last of the Mohicans begins in:

  • Bascom affair

    Ward blames Cochise and his people for kidnapping his son. Gets Buchanan from a near by town and demands military intervention. later proved that real father kidnapped him
  • army reorganization act

  • John Gast Mainfest destiny

  • Dawes Act/Indian Allotment act

    stripped native americans of their identity
  • Battle of Wounded Knee

  • Period: to

    Edward curtis life goal to capture vanishing race

  • Right to citizenship

  • Citizenship act

  • motion production code

    no sex, foul language, etc. couldn't show pregnancy in stage coach
  • Stage coach comes out

  • Mccarthyism

    director of broken arrow can't have name in credits bc black listed
  • More civil rights

  • No Resting Place

  • Last of the Mohicans film

  • In whose honor?

    Jay Rosenstein