Primarily Hindu Indian National Congress
The Primarily Hindu Indian National Congress formed in 1885 -
Abd al-Aziz Ibn Saud
A man from a powerful Arabian family named Abd al-Aziz Ibn Saud wanted to unify Arabia. He started a campaign to achieve his goal. -
Hindus and Muslims
Hindus and Muslims have had problems all their life, but despite their differences they found common ground. They shared ideas of democracy and joined to find independence from Britain. -
Muslim League
The All-India Muslim League was formed the 30th of December of 1906 -
British Army
A million Indians enlisted in the British army. In return for their service, the British government promised independence for the Indians. -
Fall of the Ottoman Empire
The fall of the Ottoman Empire gave western countries a political and econimic interest in Southwest Asia. They made the countries and republics of this region become very nationalistic -
Indian troops returned
Indian troops returned home from the war in 1918 and expected Britian to keep their promise and let them be independent but Britain didn't keep that promise. -
Rowlatt Acts
In March 10th 1919 the British passed the Rowlatt Acts which allowed the government to jail protesters without trial for as long as two years. -
Amritsar Massacre
The Indians protested against the Rowlatt Act in Amritsar, the British government had banned public meetings so british troops fired. Around 400 Indians died and about 1,200 were wounded. This is known as the Amritsar Massacre. Hindus, Muslims, Sikh went, the festival was viewed as a nationalist outburst although it wasn't. When the british saw the alliance of Hindus and Muslims they were alarmed. -
Striked and Demonstrations
In 1920 the British arrested many Indians who participated in Gandhi's strikes. Also, even with Gandhi’s pleas for nonviolence, protests often led to riots. -
Civil Disobedience
The Congress Party suppotrted Civil Disobediance which was basically the efusal to obey certain laws, demands, and commands of a government -
Turkey is independent
The Ottoman Empire gave up all its territories after WW1 except Turkey. In 1919, Greek soldiers, along with the British soilders invaded Turkey with the idea that they should conquer.republic. -
Mustafa Kemal
The sultan couldn't stop the british and greeks and a commander named Mustafa Kemal Turkish nationalists in fighting back the Greeks and won, becoming a -
Discovery of Oil
European and American companies discovered all the oil deposits in Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. They wanted to take all that oil so they could make money. -
Salt March
Gandhi got people ot stop buying salt form the goverment and go get their own from the seashore which was a pretty big deal considering the british government prohibited Indians to get salt any where else than from the government -
Arabia becomes Saudi Arabia
Abd al-Aziz Ibn Saud renamed Arabia Saudi Arabia after his family. -
Persia becomes Iran
Reza Shah changed the name of the country from the greek name Persia to Iran. -
Government of India Act
The British gave local self government and limited democracy for the Indians. This still didn't mean that they were independent but at least they got some independence. -
Perssia's new leader
Persia had a new leader who was called Reza Shah Pahlavi, he wanted to modernize his country. To do this he made public schools, built roads and railroads, promoted industrial growth, and extended women’s rights. -
Germany seized control
Germany troops went into Italy and seized control of northern Italy. Also, they let Mussolini free.