Nationalism in india

By Vibha_
  • Mahatma Gandhi returns to india

  • Champaran in bihar satyagraha- oppressive indigo planters

  • Kheda district of Gujarat- revenue collection be relaxed

  • Ahmedabad- mill worker satyagraha

  • Khilafat community formed-bombay

  • Rowlatt satyagraha

  • Police fire in peaceful procession in amritsar

  • Jallianwalla Bagh

  • Calcutta congress session-

    Gandhiji convinced other leaders of the need to start a non-cooperation movement in support of khilafat and swaraj
  • Nagpur Congress session- NCM adopted

  • Nehru went around villages in Awadh

  • Non-Cooperation Khilafat movement started

  • NCM withdrawn

  • Simon commission comes to India

  • Lahore Congress session

    Under jawaharlal nehru.
    26th January , 1930 will be celebrated as independence day
  • Mahatma Gandhi sends letter

    Gandhi send letter to lord Irwin stating 11 demands
    (Abolish salt tax)
  • Salt march begins

  • Salt March ends + CDM begins

  • CDM called off

    Gandhi- Irwin pact
  • CDM Relaunched

  • CDM Ended

    Lost momentum