Some say that Nationalism is one of the biggest reasons why world war 1 occured. Many people back then thought that if they are from the same ethnicity or race or history that they had the right to moving many places around the world. This idea from the people provoked revolutiona and them fighting for their independence and freedom. -
Causes of WW1
There said to be many causes of World War 1 and there is one which we know for sure and that is nationalism. Each country in Europe had a strong nationalistic side to them toward their country. A lot of people believed that there country was the best and that I will fight for my country and then other people say that theres is better and fights happen then soon enough the countries get involved and here comes World War 1. -
Hitler Becomes Chancellor
After World War 1 germany was in a very bad ecomonically and Hitler was the person who everyone looked up to so he had to persuade them that everything will be okay and he did that by provoking to their nationalism side and making them feel good about where they are and about their life. Hitler was a promising figure and he promised stability and a better future for them. He used nationalism to help make his people feel better. -
Buliding Germany Post WW1
After World War 1 Germany was in a very bad depression and how their economically status sunk to the ground. Some say that nationalism is the process of nation builingwhich some how can produce more goods to export and sell in their own country so that Germany might be able to regain their strength. As a nation they had to come togethter if they wanted to regain their power. -
Hitler Knows That Nationalism is The Way To Go
Nationalism is considered the catalyst for both major wars.
Hitler thinks that nationalism and World War 2 are synonymous because he thinks that nationalism is the way they're going to restore Germany as the world power. Many years after World War 2 life for the average german is bad and Hitler knew that the only way to restore the german society was through Nationalism and every german working hard for their country. -
Wall Street Crash
This is also known as “Black Tuesday”, when the New York Stock Exchange had an awful financial problem. The terrible event took place on October 29, 1929. This was the worst devastation outcome out of any other crash. Thirteen million shares were toggled with. 25 million dollars were lost this day. This took months for society to recover from. -
Both World Wars and Nationalism
Our lifes right now are influenced by these 2 world wars and whatever happened we know that we should not do it twice. People did not want more people to die and maybe that is their father. Nationalism was a big cause of both wars by each peson caring so much about their patriotic side and wanting whats best for my countries evidence. -
So Many Troops And Battles
In 1932 the German army had over four hundred thousand troops and Hitler had to get them motivated some how and he thought to himself that he had to make them feel like they were fighting for their family's independence and he pulle dthe nationalism card also and made them feel like if they lost their familys back home would be dissapointed . -
Hitler becomes Chancellor
On January 30, 1933 Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler Fuhrer or leader of the National Socialist German Workers party (known as the Nazi party), Chancellor of Germany. Hitler’s plan is to do away with politics and make Germany a unified one party state, expand the state police, the Gestapo, and starting a new security force composed of Nazis, known as the SS. -
Dachau, the first concentration camp
Dachau was established in southern Germany at an abandoned munitions factory. Heinrich Himmler and his Munich police spoke with administration at the munitions factory and toured the facility to see if it was fit for holding prisoners in captivity. On March 22, 1933, Dachau welcomed its first 200 prisoners from Stadelheim prison in Munich. -
Hitler is named fuhrer
One day before Paul von Hindenburg’s death, Hitler and his cabinet issued a decree dissolving the office of the president and naming Hitler to be his successor. The decree however, was in violation of the Enabling Act. Hitler took up the title of Reichskanzler and Fuhrer instead of “president”, out of respect for Hindenburgs great achievements during World War I. -
Hitler announces his plans of war
In Reich Chancellery Hitler revealed his plans. His plans were to obtain Lebensraum in order to get more space for the Germans to acquire. He did not mind intruding into other nations within Europe. Hitler was swearing men into secrecy, meaning if they spoke of the event, they would suffer the consequences. -
Austria annexed into the Third Reich
On March 12, 1938, after many years of pressure from supporters in Austria and Germany for the “Heim ins Reich” movement. The country did not want to be independent but after being pressured by supporters of the movement, Austria’s Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg tried to hold a referendum for a vote on the idea. Schuschnigg expected Austria to vote for maintaining autonomy, but a well planned coup d’etat by the Austrian Nazi Party of Austria’s state institutions in Vienna took place on March 11, 1 -
Europe after WW2
After both world wars for germany and espically the second one because they lost, the people of europe didn't care for their country anymore because they should the people weakness by losing the war. The chancellor of that time I believe was Hitler and he knew that his country was slowly falling apart and he knew that he had to do something about it to fix it.