Nate Stone Mexico Timeline

  • Period: Jan 1, 1519 to Jan 1, 1521

    Spanish took over New Mexico

    The Spanish conquered New Mexico from 1519-1521.
  • Father Miguel Hidalgo leads revolution.

    Father Miguel Hidalgo leads revolution.
    Father Miguel Hidalgo lead a revolt against the Spanish government in 1810 and by doing this he started a larger revolution.
  • Mexico gained independence from Spain.

    Mexico gained independence from Spain.
    Mexico had a revolution against their rulers Spain. Mexico gained independence in 1821.
  • Texas Gained Independence from Mexico

    Texas Gained Independence from Mexico
    After their revolution Texas gained independence from Mexico. After they gained independence they tried to join the United States.
  • Mexico and United States War.

    Mexico and United States War.
    Mexico wanted some of the same land as the US. They then started a war over the land.
  • Mexico signed the Treaty of Hadulupe Hidalgo.

    Mexico signed the Treaty of Hadulupe Hidalgo.
    Mexico was forced to sign the Treaty of Hadulupe Hidalgo after they were defeated in the Mexican and United States War.
  • Reformers wrote a new Constitution

    Reformers wrote a new Constitution
    Reformers wrote a new Constitution for Mexico in 1857.
  • French marched into Mexico.

    French marched into Mexico.
    The French marched into Mexico. Maximilian was emperor at the time.
  • Emperor Maximilian is overthrown

    Emperor Maximilian is overthrown
    Emperor Maximilian was overthrown and executed.
  • A New Constitution is written.

    A New Constitution is written.
    A New cosntitution is wrote in 1917. The New Contitution promised farmers equal land.