i was born
i moved to california
i started playing soccer
fire almost burned down my house
i moved to kansas
parents got divorced
met my best friend
graduate high school
major in business in college
get my dream job
get engaged
get married
What does your time line tell you about yourself?
My timeline tells me that important events in my life are relatively spread out. I can see some important events from my past, but also ones in the future. Putting in the year for things such as "get married" or "graduate college" also made me realize how close that point is in my life... -
How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?
My life would be very different, and I definitely wouldnt be where I am now. If I hadnt moved for example, I wouldnt have met my now best friend, or even be writing this right now. The change of one event wouldve altered all of the following events, which is why I'm glad certain events occured. -
How flexible or fixed does your future seem to be?
My future seems pretty flexible, because I don't exactly know certain things like what i want to do for college. Obviously what I want to do will determine how long I spend at college, making other important things coming later. Certain undetermined things could have multiple outcomes, overall making my future pretty flexible depending on what I do.