Natalia's Personal Timeline

  • when i first came to life

    when i first came to life
    I was born in Fountain valley hospital. I weighed 7 pounds. I am the first one born so it makes me the oldest
  • Another brat on the way

    Another brat on the way
    my sister was also born in the same hospital as me in Fountain Valley. She weighed 8 pounds so she was one more pound than me. I was happy at first to have a new sibling but now i ain't so sure
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    I liked it because i knew my mom was gonna be there.I didn't cry so that was good. The school i went to was a Private school up in Irvine
  • I broke my arm for the first time

    I broke my arm for the first time
    It was in the first grade me and my cousin always argue. She was always wanting to start a fight and then one day she pushed me of the pull up bars and i fell and landed on my arm.
  • Visited Family from Jalisco

    Visited Family from Jalisco
    My first time entering a different state of Mexico and going to see my family up there for the first time. I remember we stayed at my tias house and it was full of some of my other relatives so in total there was about 15 of us in a small house. But the nice thing was it had a store that my tia owned so if i got the munchies i could go get what i wanted.
  • Moving Schools

    Moving Schools
    I was moving from Newhope to Paine. I don't remember why i just switched schools and it felt different i didn't like it that much i had gotten used to it.
  • 6th Grade Science Camp

    6th Grade Science Camp
    For about four days for the kids in 6th grade only got to go up to the mountains in Big Bear. It was during the time we had a drought so once we arrived there was no snow and i was disappointed but i still made the most out of the trip.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    The first day of middle school felt scary because it seemed like a big deal. I felt like the only Mexican in the school because there are so many asian people at the school so it felt hard to fit in.
  • Cabos San Lucas

    Cabos San Lucas
    I stayed in Cabos for a week with some of my family during the summer. We stayed in a hotel on the beach. While we were there we walked around the town that was near by and rode horses on the beach and with dolphins.
  • Mis Quince

    Mis Quince
    i had a big party because i turned 15 so it is a celebration that i did with my whole family. It was a long day for me because i had to get up early to first get ready. Then after that i had to goto church , taker pictures, then go home for the party and greet everyone that came and it didn't end till 1 am.