Period: to
beginning stage
I meet an attractive guy who treats me right in 2025. we get married on the moon in 2026. we want 3 kids. 2 girls and 1 boy with at least 1 of them adoptided because adoption is good. we move into a beautiful house in a beautiful suburban neighborhood that is close to the schools so our kids can walk so we don’t have to waste gas and money cause I ain’t made of money honey. we have a baby girl in 2029. -
Period: to
childbearing stage
we have our first daughter in 2029. her name is lauren. in 2033 we have our second child, who’s a boy. his name is jackson. our third kid we adopted, who’s a boy. we adopt him at 7months(2039). his name is tyler. our final kid we had by surrogacy, who’s a girl. she was born in 2043. her name is danielle. although, now that I think about it... she looks nothing like me. she has blonde hair and green eyes, just like our surrogate stacy. the baby also has my husbands nose, but none of my features. -
Period: to
parenting stage
our first daughter lauren started school in 2033. we sent her to the local elementary school near our house. we sent all of kids there. they all went to the same school up until highschool. lauren, jackson, and tyler all went to the local highschool. danielle however went up until sophomore year, in which she dropped out and moved to new york with her boyfriend brad. lauren graduated at the top of her class in 2041 at the top of her class, jackson graduated in 2045, and tyler in 2051. -
Period: to
launching stage
lauren decided to go study abroad in australia. jackson decide to go to nyu. tyler decided to go to medical school. danielle never went to college, but became a freelance artist. -
Period: to
mid years stage
my husband and i worked and enjoyed having no children for a while but missed all the hustle and bustle we used to have in our house. we decide to travel the world using all the unused money from danielles college fund. in the end we ended up living with lauren in europe, with her husband james and her two kids ashton and aubre. -
Period: to
aging stage
after we retire we bug lauren so much that she eventually asks us to leave. so my husband (well ex actually) goes out on his own. i ended up moving back in with lauren. im not sure when my (ex) husband died, but it was definitely sometime around 2089. i die in 2094 from laughing so hard i couldnt breath. thanks alot ashton...