Colonel Loyd's Plantation
Here Douglass was born into slavery and lived until he was sent to Master Auld in Baltimore. His overseer's here include Mr. Severe, who routinely beat his Aunt and solidified in his mind that slavery was bad, his second overseer was Mr. Hopkins, who was better in many ways but, he was still a slave overseer, Hopkins was then replaced by Mr. Gore, who shoots a slave in the face, and is known around Maryland for his vicious cruelty, at this point he is sent to Baltimore to be with Master Auld. -
Master Auld (First Time)
At the age of 7, Douglass was sent off to Baltimore to serve Master Auld, Auld was incredibly kind, however, this didn't last forever, as Auld slowly grew meaner as slavery tainted his soul. His wife, Mrs. Auld befell a similar fate, but before she succumbed to slavery's alluring drawl, she instilled in Douglass a deep desire to learn, and by teaching him the alphabet gave him the tools to act on that will. Douglass learned to read, but he was soon sent away to his next destination, Thomas Auld. -
Master Thomas
This period of time for Douglass was relatively uneventful, save for his hunger, and lack of free time. It lasted for a short time but, was characterized by Thomas's strict schedule and lack of food to be handed out. After fighting back and speaking back to Master Thomas, he is sent away to 'the slave breaker', Mr. Covey for one year. -
Mr. Covey
Mr. Covey was a cruel master, who didn't really care for his slaves as humans, he was known for his evil and manipulative tricks that he played on his slaves. Douglass quickly drew the ire of his new master and was routinely beaten. After one particularly bad beating, Douglass resolved to go to Thomas and plead for his protection. Thomas declines and tells Douglass to go back to Coveys after the night. Douglass does this and fights back when he returns, Thomas then sends him to Mr. Freeland. -
Mr. Freeland
Douglass is sent here after his time with Covey had expired. Mr. Freeland was a kind man, he fed his slaves, as well as giving them free time. Douglass decides with this free time he will open a school, which really was a front for him teaching slaves. This school goes until Douglass, along with four others, decides to attempt an escape, they never get to that point though, because the escape plan is uncovered, Freeland is furious, and after some shuffling, Douglass is sent back to Master Auld. -
Master Auld (Second Time)
After some shuffling around after his escape plan was discovered, Douglass is sent back to Master Auld. He is quickly hired out to a shipyard, where after a scuffle with white workers, Douglass is sent away. At this point, he learns to caulk and picks up the trade. Master Auld at this point effectively gives Douglass his freedom, save for the money that he takes from Douglass every week. Being so close to freedom, and tired of his money being taken, Douglass makes his escape from slavery. -
Escape from Slavery
In 1838, after mounting tensions between him and Auld, Douglass decides to make an escape, which he does so successfully on a ship bound to New York. From this point Douglass eventually joins the Abolitionist movement, and the rest as they say... is history.