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By annier
  • First Slaves are brought to Virginia

    First Slaves are brought to Virginia
    The first slaves brought to Virginia came in 1619 on slave ships hailing from the Carribean.
  • Parents are Married

    Parents are Married
  • Birth of Araminta Harriet Ross (Harriet Tubman)

    Birth of Araminta Harriet Ross (Harriet Tubman)
    Harriet Tubman was born sometime in 1820 in Dorchester, Maryland. From her birth, she spent nearly 20 years in slavery.
  • Separation of Siblings

    Separation of Siblings
    3 of Harriet's siblings ( Linah, Mariah Ritty, and Soph) are sold to different owners, severing the family. Harriet was hurt and depressed, but it made her seek to help free families that were threatened to be separated.
  • First Jobs

    First Jobs
    Harriet's first jobs were as a nursemaid and later a worker in the fields. Sadly, she was beaten in both her jobs.
  • Injury

    By trying to protect a fellow slave from a beating, Tubman ran in front of the master and recieved a blow to the head. Although he had no knowledge of it, this hit would cause her to have sleeping problems and horrible migraines out of the blue.
  • Marriage to John Tubman

    Marriage to John Tubman
    In 1944, Minty married free black male John Tubman. It was also around this time when she changed her name from Araminta to Harriet, believed by scholars to honor her mother.
  • Escape from Slavery

    Escape from Slavery
    On a warm night in Maryland, Harriet Tubman crept out of her quarters and fled Maryland to Pennsylvania with her two brothers, Ben and Henry. Soon after her escape, a reward/ threat was issued for the return of Ben, Henry and Harriet, so the brothers decided to return home, but Harriet stayed free.
  • Wanted: Harriet Tubman

    Wanted: Harriet Tubman
    After escaping Maryland with her two brothers, Ben and Henry, Harriet was free of worry, but not for long. Soon a notice was published by the Cambridge Democrat offering a reward of $300 for the return of Arminta (Harriet), Harry and Ben. Her brothers turned themselves back into their plantation, but Harriet had to plans to return to slavery.
  • Fugitive Slave Law Passed

    Fugitive Slave Law Passed
    The factors of escaping slavery were put to the test, now that the Fugitive Slave Law had been passed. It stated that anyone even suspected of being a runaway slave could be arrested without a warrant. This made escaping slavery very difficult, but also gave the Undergroud Railroad more passengers than ever.
  • Family Rescue

    Family Rescue
    When word of her niece being up for an auction and being threatened to be separating her family, Harriet made a mass rescue of the whole family, bringing them to Philedelphia. a free city of the North.
  • Important Rescue

    Important Rescue
    In December 1851, Harriet and about 11 fugitive slaves she rescued stopped at the home of important abolitionist Fredrick Douglas, who also was a former slave, as a station in the Underground Railroad.
  • Meeting with John Brown

    Meeting with John Brown
    In April 1858, Harriet was introduced to John Brown, a man who recommended the use of violence to destroy slavery. They shared the same goals, and Harriet barely tollerated his ideas on how to end slavery. When Brown needed help in starting a riot, Harriet was the first person he turned to.
  • First Owned Land

    First Owned Land
    In 1859, Senator William Seward sold Harriet a small peice of land, which she turned into a refuge for her family and friends who had been rescued.
  • Period: to

    American Civil War

    The American Civil War was between the Northern states and the Southern states of America. The causes were disagreements over slavery, tax/tariffs, cultural differences, states rights, and the economy. Harriet Tubman worked as a cook and nurse for the Union army, but quickly became a scout and spy. She was the first woman to lead an armed expedition in the war, and liberated over 700 slaves.
  • National Association of Colored Women is Established

    National Association of Colored Women is Established
    Harriet Tubman, with several other African American women, established the National Association of Colored Women. Their goal was "to furnish evidence of the moral, mental and material progress made by people of color through the efforts of our women".
  • Marriage to Nelson Davis

    Marriage to Nelson Davis
    In 1869, after the Civil War, Harriet married a man by the name of Nelson Davis. They lived a very calm marriage for 19 years until he passed away in 1888
  • Death of Harriet Tubman

    Death of Harriet Tubman
    Harriet Ross Tubman died on March 10th, 1913 in Boston, surrounded by loving family and friends.