Day 1 (90 minutes)
Go over "Guidelines for a Safe Learning Environment."
Introduce and define narrative elements with students. Create a graphic organizer together for the classroom and in their journals using Bubble.us. Hand out theme and character trait charts for students to keep in their notebook. -
Period: to
Narrative Elements Unit Plan
90 minutes per day for activities for two weeks (10 days) -
Day 2 (90 minutes)
Read the text "The Day the Worms Moved In" as a shared reading. Teacher will guide students through completing a story elements graphic organizer created in Google docs where they will record each narrative element. They will do this through Google classroom. -
Day 3 (90 minutes)
Read the text "The Unluckiest Boy in the World" as a shared reading. On their Chromebooks, students will pull up an interactive graphic organizer from Holt Interactive graphic organizers. Complete the free form web graphic organizer together as a whole class. Allow students to lead the conversation as to what narrative elements were evident in the story and support them as they fill out their interactive graphic organizer. -
Day 4 (90 minutes)
Read the text "Papa's Parrot" as a shared reading. Now, it's time for students to identify narrative elements without as much teacher support. Place the students in collaborative groups of 4-5 students. They will have a Google slides template they will all be added to so they can work together to create a presentation showcasing the narrative elements found in the story. The teacher can informally assess group work using an observation checklist. -
Day 5 (90 minutes)
To end the week, the teacher needs to assess students' understanding of narrative elements by having them identify them on their own. Read the text "The High Dive" as a shared reading." Then give students a story elements chart which they will complete independently. -
Day 6 (90 minutes)
Students will now have an opportunity to plan and draft their own narrative story which will include all of the narrative elements they've been learning about. First, show the Powtoon presentation to give them an overview of the writing assignment. Then, they will begin by filling out a story planner where they will record their ideas for their story. -
Days 7-10 (90 minutes a day)
Students will work at their own pace each day for the rest of the week to go through the writing process to draft and publish their narrative story. A template will be placed in their Google classroom to help them write their rough draft, and then they will use Google Docs to type their story. The teacher will support them as they create a draft, revise, edit, and publish a final copy, ensuring that they are including all narrative elements that were discussed in class. -
Students will be formally assessed by the teacher on their narrative writing piece using a 0-4 rubric.