I like to think that I have always been a caeing and sharring person. I also fancy myself some kind of a leader. I have a great intreset in lacrosse, and social studies. When I grow up, I want to go into secondary education. -
Birth of my sister Maggie
Maggie is my third sibling. Having three siblings has taught me important things about sharing and freindship. For instince, I have had to share a room for all of my life with one of my brothers. -
¨Pirates and Trssures¨
This is a class I took in elementry school summer school. The class was about Pirates in the 1500-1600s and was just a fun introduction to the subject. This class helped me to see history as more of a stroy then a seirse of dates and inspiered my to like history for the first time. -
First Season of Lacrosse
The winter of 09 I did a winter session of lacrosse at the sports complex. I had never played anything like lacrosse before and I was imidatly in love with the game, and it is a big part of what I am and what I do even today. -
Mr. Gasiks American Histrory class
This was my 8th grade histroy class. Going into this class I knew I liked social studies, but Mr.Gasiks class helped to silitify my desier to teach. -
Link Crew
This is my first year as a link crew leader, and I has helped me to become a better leader. Link Crew is also helping me to evaluate the plosablity of me pursing a carear in education by letting me teach kids.