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Naomi's Experience in the PEC

By Naomyun
  • Data Collect

    Data Collect
    We went to the U.E. "Nacional la Guardia" and filled out a data sheet, with real information.
    The Principal was kind and efficient, so we finished fast our work.
    Then we met with the other groups and with our professor.
  • Delivering the Letters

    Delivering the Letters
    First we had to go to the ESFM EF to get the letter, and then go to the School.
    The travel was quite long, so we arrived there at 9:00 am.
    The Principal was busy, so we waited. After that, we explained few things to him and delivered the letter.
  • Socialization

    This day we coordinated with P.E. students for do the socialization, we started around 8:00 am because the Principal was listening a case of bullying.
    He convocated many teachers who signed our list, and then we introduced ourselves and explained about the PEC. We took photos, of course; and finally we asked for some important documents (PSP).
  • Research on U.E. and Interviews

    Research on U.E. and Interviews
    This day was merely dedicated to the interviews (to the Principal, to students, to the Teacher)
    She gave us other documents such as the POA, her PDC's and the PAB.
  • Classrom Observation and The Last Interviews

    Classrom Observation and The Last Interviews
    The first activity we did in the school was the classrom observation in 5th B.
    The teacher introduced us as students of the ESFM and then we sat down at the corner of the place, she explained about adjectives. She brought flashcards and we all repeated after her, meanwhile, we filled up a file.
  • First Day of PEC

    First Day of PEC
    The School "EVA" really impressed me with their Monday's civic act. We could see that they are really working on their PSP.
    After that, I was the one who taught the students about adjectives.
    The teacher lent us a cardboard with images, to help them to understand.
    When the class was over, the professor Rosemary Terrazas appeared and talked to us before to the teacher.
  • Johana Developing her first PDC

    Johana Developing her first PDC
    Johana was working along with the students of the last year of school.
    Both paralels A and B were studying about the present perfect.
    Johana made several materials and a flipcard for her class. Though the time was not enough (considering that the topic was a little bit hard for them) in the end, the students were capable of solve questions and make sentences.
  • Kathia's first PDC

    Kathia's first PDC
    She was teaching about present continuous in both paralels of 5th grade. She started making a question "what are you going to do the next weekend?" Few students answered before she explained deeply about it.
    Then they had to copy the examples on their notebooks and write 5 more sentences, we helped them with that and also we checked some of their notebooks.
  • Continuing developing my first PDC

    We took time for do the investigation, so we were writing and filling the technical datasheets.
    After that, I explained about the adjectives to the other paralel of 4th grade, they were kind of noisy at the start, but quickly they calmed down and participated in class.
    We showed them many flashcards and we all repeated to fix mispellings.
    At the end, the teacher signed our attendances and we left.
  • My Second PDC

    The civic act was less impressive than the last, but it was okay.
    My second PDC was about the comparatives adjectives. First, I delivered papers with an adjective (There were two of the same) so the students can later compare them.
    Then we study the grammar, made sentences and turn a simple adjective into a comparative one.
    Honestly, this was a really great and motivating day, because the things just flowed well and without complications.
  • Johana Teaching the Present Perfect Continuous

    Johana Teaching the Present Perfect Continuous
    We struggled a very little in getting the data, but it was worthy because the students really enjoyed the videos and the explanations, I could see that they learned a lot of them.
    But first Johana taught them about the grammar structure.
    Again, with both paralels were the same activities, and the students acted very respectfully towards us.
  • Helping Our Teacher

    This day we helped our teacher checking students' notebooks and their tests. Also, we spent time doing the investigation and filling some documents.
  • Developing our Communitary Class

    Developing our Communitary Class
    We invited the Principal and two teachers who were in the pedagogical committee.
    We chose the 6 grade because of the space we needed for our activities like "Simon Says" where the students ran across the room, and the "Aladdin Lamp" for them to say three wishes, we explained carefully the topic and they wrote and read sentences.
    Our Professor Lidia Vidal were there, she helped us at the end, teaching some rules.
  • Kathia Explaining about The First Conditional

    Kathia Explaining about The First Conditional
    She taught about the first conditional (if) to students of 5 grade. She asked them "What will you do if you win the lottery?" They struggled but we helped them.
    The teacher gave them self evaluation sheets, so Kathia had to faster her explication, for time's sake.
  • PEC's Last Day in School

    We didn't have unfinished business, that's why this day we were working on the investigation (IEPC)
    And we helped to check some tests, books (sta&tus) and notebooks.
    The teacher gave us practical tips before we had the opportunity to say the farewells.