
Naftali Bennett

  • Naftali Bennett was born in haifa, israel

    Naftali Bennett was born in  haifa, israel
    Bennett was born in Haifa, one of three sons born to Jim and Myrna Bennett, who are American Jewish immigrants to Israel who had moved from San Francisco after the Six-Day War.
  • Bennett joins the army

    Bennett joins the army
    Bennett has held numerous positions in the IDF, there are sequence:
    Staff boat Fighter
    Warrior paratrooper unit
    Commander of the expedition team
    Warrior Magellan unit and participating in many operations in Lebanon
    During his only composed the national anthem
    Multi - Captain reserves the Second Lebanon War
    And commanding a patrol in the western sector
  • Naftali Bennett married Gilat

    Naftali Bennett married Gilat married Gilat + four children and live in Ra'anana.
  • Bennett sell Cyota

    Bennett sell Cyota
    In 1996 he finished his compulsory service in the IDF and in addition to my gardening began studying law and business administration at Hebrew University. During his studies he started working in the field of quality assurance of software products, and then high-tech sales. Established in 1999 with partners in a startup company called Cyota Security (cyota.) he moved with his wife from a lion Manhattan Cyota served as CEO from 2001 until its sale in 2005 for $ 145 million to RSA.
  • Naftali leader of the Jewish Home

    Naftali leader of the Jewish Home Home faction in the Knesset is mainly identified with religious Zionism and the political right.
    Jewish Temple was built in the late 17th Knesset as a continuation of the National Union - NRP to one of the parties in this faction (homeland, rebirth, the INS and NRP) religious right party - one traditional and headed by Rabbi Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz. Attempt failure before the eighteenth elections and these elections Jewish Home List NRP represented only under the nickname "the Jewish Hom
  • The Government 19

    The Government 19 After the election there was a disconnect between Netanyahu Levant, when Netanyahu was in no hurry to enter into negotiations with the Jewish Home for entry into the coalition. As a result, Bennett created Yair Lapid, head of the party "has a future" political alliance that neither of the two parties will not enter a coalition without the other party. Netanyahu's efforts to break the alliance failed. Following a dispute over how old is what determined, Shai Piron received the education portfolio