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Nadine's Life

  • Birth

    Date of birth September 20,1984, at 7lbs 2oz.
    The youngest of 4 sisters and 1 brother
    South Lebanon, a developing country.
  • The first two years- Biosocial:

    The first two years- Biosocial:
    - I took my first baby steps at 9 months old.
    - Weaned off of breastmilk at 12 months old.
  • The first two years- Psychosocial:

    The first two years- Psychosocial:
    -At 12 months old i suffered from seperation anxiety when my mother left home on a business trip for a whole year. I was always angry and anxious
    - I quickly became extremely attached to my grandmother, who was my primary caregiver while my mom was away.
  • The first two years- Cognitive:

    The first two years- Cognitive:
    -Learned to communicate verbally, spoke my first words around the age of 1
    - Terrible two's set in and i was making a mess out of everything around me.
  • Early Childhood- Biosocial:

    Early Childhood- Biosocial:
    -Between the ages of 5 and 6 i refused to brush my teeth with anything other than my "bubble gum" toothpaste, no one else was allowed to use it or my mom had to buy me a new one.
    -I was alsways on the go, i earned the nickname "the energizer bunny" along with "Nana" but never "Nadine"
  • Early Childhood- Cognitive:

    Early Childhood- Cognitive:
    -Started headstart in the U.S.
    -My teacher though I had a hearing problem beacuse i didn't answer when she called. Turned out I did not recognize my real name "Nadine" beacuse i was only called my my nickname at home "Nana"
    -Arabic was inforced at home and english at school, so i was bilingual
  • Early Childhood- Psychosocial:

    Early Childhood- Psychosocial:
    -I developed a close bond with my next door naighbor who was also my age. (she is still my best friend today)
    -I was brought up in an authritative environment which boosted my self- esteem. this made me a more confident child
  • Middle Childhood- Biosocial:

    Middle Childhood- Biosocial:
    • I got my Immunization shots again at 11 years old
    • Although i was not yet diagnosed, ADHD symptoms were clear. I couldnt sit still for long and I lost interest quickly (mental disorders like ADHD were not common then)
  • Middle Childhood- Cognitive:

    Middle Childhood- Cognitive:
    -I started kindergarten in public schools
    -Flunked 1st Grade (i know now this event was a result of my ADHD)
    -I spoke both English and Arabic fluently
    -I learned how to dress myself by observing my older sisters and trying to be like them.
  • Middle Childhood- Psychosocial:

    Middle Childhood- Psychosocial:
    -I got my first in home academic tutor
    -On my 11th birthday my brother got me my 1st puppy "Lucky". He was my responsibility. (feeding him, walking him, and sometimes even bathing him)
  • Adolescence- Cognative:

    Adolescence- Cognative:
    • Still falling behind in grade school
    • The entity theory of intelligence set in around age 12, I believed I was incapable of being academically successful. "I wasn't lucky like the other kids"
    • Tried cigarettes with a group of friends so I wouldn't be an outcast, and not thinking of the conseqences
  • Adolescence- Biosocial:

    Adolescence- Biosocial:
    • Age 13, I started my 1st mestrual period
    • My mom bought me my 1st training bra
    • At 14, I had my 1st crush, (at the time, "the love of my life") my 25 year old next door naighbor
  • Adolescence- Psychosocial:

    Adolescence- Psychosocial:
    • By age 14, I thought i had identity achievement all figured out. All i wanted was to get married young and start a family
    • Apparently i was going through role confusion and didnt even know it.
    • I embraced the Islamic faith because thats what i was taught to do
    • Constant parental monitoring made me angry, but it was also a key factor in building a strong foundation to live by.
  • Emerging Adulthood- Biosocial:

    Emerging Adulthood- Biosocial:
    • At 18 i got my 1st job at a cell phone store
    • Made my 1st membership at the gym
    • Voted for the 1st time for George W. Bush
    • Got my own apartment and car at age 24
  • Emerging Adulthood- Cognitive:

    Emerging Adulthood- Cognitive:
    • Dropped out of highschool at the age of 17
    • Became a member of out local masque at age 20
    • Earned my GED at 22
    • Completed only one semester of college at Henery Ford
  • Emerging Adulthood- Psychosocial:

    Emerging Adulthood- Psychosocial:
    • Got married at age 19
    • Had my 1st baby girl at age 20
    • Gave my daughter a baby sister at age 21
    • Got a divorce at 23
    • By age 25 I met my current boyfriend, which was my boss at the time
  • Adulthood- Biosocial:

    Adulthood- Biosocial:
    • Got my 1st pair of reading glasses
    • Started Botox treatments at 29 to get rid of the crows feet around my eyes
    • By age 30 15% of my black hair was gray, mostly due to financial stress
    • At 40, signs of menopause start showing (hot flashes, cold sweats, & depression)
    • At 50, actual menopause and infertility set in
    • I get my 1st hearing aid at 60
  • Adulthood- Psychosocial:

    Adulthood- Psychosocial:
    • At 33 married Mike (my current boyfriend)
    • At 34 welcome a baby boy to our family
    • At 36 watch my two little girls graduate
    • At 40 my husband and i will experience the "empty nest" syndrome
    • Retire at 50
    • By 60 permanently relocate to Florida with Mike
  • Adulthood- Cognitive:

    Adulthood- Cognitive:
    • Started college again at Schoolcraft, age 29
    • Maintained a straight 4.0 honers GPA at Wayne State
    • Earned a bachelors degree in nursing from Wayne State University
    • By 40 earned the reputation of being a great nurse by increased practical intelligence
    • By 65 I'v completed 90% of my bucket list by gaining analytic and creative intelligence
  • Late Adulthood - Biosocial:

    Late Adulthood - Biosocial:
    • At age 65 ill get my first hearing aid because of my presbycusis condition
    • I'll have multiple visits to the dentist to get my dentures relined periodically
    • Less/no sodium and daily vitamins will be my regular diet
  • Late Adulthood - Cognitive:

    Late Adulthood - Cognitive:
    -By age 72 I'll start do show the first signs of dementia, forgetfulness
    -My working memory will also slow down
    -At 75 I'll be depressed because I'll be a victim of ageism leading me to have a stroke
    -I join a sewing class at Joann Fabrics and weekly bingo with my classmates to keep active and get out of my depression
  • Late Adulthood - Psychosocial:

    Late Adulthood - Psychosocial:
    -By 76, my dear husband will pass away at 84 due to heart failure
    -I'll have to move in with one of my daughters. I'll tell myself the move is so i can help her with her children because I'll be too proud to admit that she needs to take care of me.
    -I'll get diagnosed with stage two Alzheimer's disease and unintentionally cling to old memories of my dead husband and earlier life.
  • Epilogue

    -By age 80 I'll be well into the 3rd stage of Alzheimer's and bedridden
    -My health care proxy will be my daughter however i will have previously signed a DNR form.
    -In between my dementia episodes i'll be aware that im dying and my religion is what will give me comfort
    -Eventually I'll contract an infection, my immune system is to week to fight off and I'll die at age 82
    -My living will includes my burial instructions with a burial insurance policy
    -I'll be laid to rest next to my mother