
  • I made it in to the world

    I made it in to the world
    I was born on March 1, 2005. My mom had a seasection
  • My first Halloween

    That Halloween I was a bumble bee
  • Meeting the Ocean(Gulf of Mexico)

    Meeting the Ocean(Gulf of Mexico)
  • Going to NASA for the first time ever!

    Going to NASA for the first time ever!
    I loved this place so much as a 4 year old
  • I become part of the fox valley magazine

    I become part of the fox valley magazine
    I will always remember this moment
  • The best picture of Aurora

    The best picture of Aurora
    This is the best and first panoramic picture I have ever taken and the spark of my interest in photography
  • first day of 6th grade

    first day of 6th grade
    Oblivious whats to come.
  • I joined boyscouts

  • my grand mother past

  • we got a dog that we named angel

    we got a dog that we named angel
  • Halloween 2018

    Halloween 2018
  • I go to west for a year

  • I get a job

  • i leave and go to imsa

  • I get a car.

  • I will go college

  • I have a boy named Gunther

  • I have a girl named salora

  • I will graduate college

  • I get married to an unknown person

  • I get my life set in to one job that I love

  • Mars gets inhabited

  • I reach space and stay a little

  • I come back to earth

  • I get dementia

  • I retire from my lovely job

  • I DIE

    I DIE