Welcome to the Gandia Family
My family spoke Spanish as a first and only language. Both of my parents understand and speak English but this language was never spoken at home. My first four years of life I spent at my grandmothers house while my parents worked. I had no access to the English language. -
First Year of Life
First Time in Pre Kinder Cupeyville School
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Elementary School
During these years I was at Cupeyville School, taking all my classes in English except for Spanish. I received the English language but I hardly practiced it in or outside of school. I mostly read and wrote English during class in school. Outside of school all I spoke was Spanish with my peers and family. -
Kindergarten Graduation
By this year I had taken two full years of total English immersion. All my classes were taught in English except for Spanish. My early roadway towards bilingual education. -
First Grade Teacher Mrs Mildred
Sixth Grade Graduation
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Seventh Grade to Twelve Grade
During middle school and high school. I continued learning English during these years but it was more specific. It was more individual and into depth. Studying and analyzing literature in both English and Spanish languages. In seventh grade I started studying French all the way to high school. -
High School Graduation
I consider myself fully bilingual in both English and Spanish. I can read, write and speak some Franch. All these accomplishments in fourteen years. -
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College Life
Going to college in New York was the best thing that ever happened to me. Finally I had the opportunity to practice English. All of a sudden all the words that I learned for the past fourteen years flourished and I used them over and over. I even acquired new vocabulary. I decided to minor in French to understand the language and speak it better. -
Work Life
Once I started working in New York I started practicing business like English. My vocabulary, written and spoken language were polished in a business enviroment. -
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Decided to become a teacher
I decided to become a teacher in the New York Board of Education. I became an elementary bilingual teacher. In this particular scenario both English and Spanish became very handy. -
Dr. Luis Pereira Leal Community Bilingual School
Bilingual Teacher all subjects grade kindergarten. Working with Monolingual students on the way to becoming bilingual students English and Spanish. -
Knowing more than one language is a luxury. I learn new words and expand my knowledge on a daily basis. Languages open a window of opportunities throughout a lifetime. -
Continuing Bilingual Education Studies at Sacred Heart University