Period: 100 to
Unit 1 Psych Important People
Aristotle Sugggest Heart is seat of Mental Process (BC)
Aristotle's main focus was on the physical sciences and how that mentally affected you actions. He brought his ideas to the Renaissance time period and changed the way people thought. Ideas came from emotional influence. -
Francis Bacon Publishes The Proficency and Advancement of Learning
Sir Francis Bacon published his book. In it he talked about inductive reasoning and how it applied to nature, philosophy, and the mind. Inductive reasoning is making generalzation from prior knowledge. His methods are still used today in Psychology. -
Rene Descartes creates mind-body theory and publishes A Discourse on Method
The French philosopher who is named, "The Father of Modern Philosophy," wrote in his book about how math and two dimensional geometric figures are involved in everyday life. He explains how everyhting is made up of shapes, which then can be used for science and invention. He set the path for manynew philisophical leaders. -
John Locke Theorizes about the Mind of Blank Slate; "Tabula Rasa"
John Locke's ideas were spread world wide, and his great influence helped the colonist in their revolution against the Bristish. His main suggestion to the world of Psychology was that everyone is born with "Clean Slate," He is saying that all ideas are taught to a person because every person that has no knowledge when they are born. So, ever person has a blank slate when born into he world. -
Dorothea Dix: Helping with the Insane
Dorothea Dix was a humanist and nurse who traveled America and Europe studying the insane in mental institutions. From 1843-45, she traveled more than 10,000 miles investigating the mentally ill called the Humanitarian Crusades. Her reaseach as a nurse is still recognized today becuase her reasearch can still be shown in modern day examples. That is why it is so valuable. -
Charles Darwin Publishes On the Origin of Species
Charles Darwin is the person who is know to discover how plant, animals, and orginisms reproduce and evolve to survive in the currnet world. He also defined Natural Selection, or survival of the fittest, in which he shows hoe one species can obtain more popular traits for various reasons. His work has truly been thouroughly tested and has been proven to be true time and time again. Also, we may not be able to see it, but natural selection happens today. -
Wilhelm Wundt Establishes First Psychology Laboratory
In his quest to expand Psychology, Willhelm Wundt creates the first Psychology laboratory in Germany. This place soon becomes a mecca for Psychology students and teachers because of the wealth of knowledge that could be learned. This place soon becomes famous for the many discoveries that have come from the laboratory. -
William James Publishes The Principles of Psychology
Harvard University philosopher and psychologist publishes the first official book depicting the basics of Psychology. This spread Psychology to the common person and the study of the mind became more popular in places such as universities. -
G. Stanley Hall Founds APA.
The APA's origins go back to G. Stanley Hall. He was a Psychologist who initially spearheaded the project and bacme its first president. The APA, or American Psychological Association still practices today giving out awards and grant money to other Psychology associations. -
Mary Whiton and the APA
Mary Whitton was the first female Psychologust elected as members of the American Psychological Assostion (APA). She was also the first female president. -
Margaret Floy Washburn and Experimental Animal Behavior
Margaret Floy Washburn was the first female Psychologist to earn a PH.D in the field of Psychology,but her best known studies are in animal behavior. From this she developed the motor theory in which it explains how people and animals interpret language and speech. -
Rosalie Rayner and Rats
In the 1920's Rosalie Rayner used rats as experiment tools. Even today rats are very popular in the world of Psychology. Her experiments included how rats behave when under harsh conditions. These included hunger deprivation and abuse. all of these showed how he "id" or survival side of organisms takes over the conciousness. -
E.B. Titchener and Structuralism
He was a British Psychologist who was known for the type of psychology now know as Structuralism. This explains the structures of the brain and what parts of the brain trigger what kind of reaction or emotional response to a situation or an enviornment. He then went on to teach at Cornell University. -
Death of Socrates (BC)
Socrates was one of the founding members of philosophy and psychology. All of his teachings are founf in the books of his students, such as Plato. His main work was the use of his Socratic Method. He was punished with death because his revolutionary ideas were seen as treason. -
Publication of Plato's Rebuplic and Mental Process Theory (BC)
As one of Socrates most respected students, Plato uses his knowledge to write and publish The Republic. In the Republic he talks about how people psycologicaly react to their government and social status. Also, h suggested brain was seat of mental process.