MY World History

  • Jan 1, 1300

    The start of the Renaissance

    The start of the Renaissance
    The start of the 14th and 17th century, consider the bridge between the Middle Ages or the dark ages and modern history it started as a cultural movement in Itlay. During the Middle Ages many people in Europe lived in terrible conditions.
  • Aug 18, 1447

    The Renaissance Popes

    The Renaissance Popes
    Renaissance Popes demonstrated both marks. Most historians begin the list of Renaissance Popes with Nicholas V. The first Pope to use church funds to further artistic development.Nicholas V supported and encouraged the arts as much as possible. The Council in Basle siphoned off some of the church's money and when it ended, Nicholas sighed with relief. Constantinople fell during Nicholas' papacy and he noted its acquisition of the name Istanbul. Pope Nicholas also crowned Frederick III Holy Roman
  • Apr 10, 1517

    The Protestant Reformation

    The Protestant Reformation
    In protest at the Catholic doctrine of indulgences and formally begins the Protestant Reformation. Luther publishes three monumental works, To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, and On the Freedom of a Christian. In The Christian Nobility of the German Nation, Luther outlined the doctrine of the Priesthood of all believers and denied the authority of the Pope to interpret, or confirm interpretation of the Bible.
  • Mar 26, 1546

    The end of Martin Luther

    The end of Martin Luther
    Martin Luther dies at the age of 62, in Eisleben, Germany. His final words: We are beggars: this is true.
  • The poor in France

    The poor in France
    97% of Europe’s people struggled to survive while the remaining 3% lived a life of wealth and comfort.This gap between the wealthy and the poor created resentment. Those at the bottom saw the wealthy grow increasingly richer, while the poor got nothing while working the hardest.
  • The start of The French Revolution

    The start of The French Revolution
    Louis XVI convokes État-général on suggestion of former finance minister Jacques Necker, to hear grievances. Necker is dismissed. 50,000 citizens arm themselves with pikes and form National Guard.
  • Napoleon's Empire

    Napoleon's Empire
    Napoleon begins his Egyptian Campaign.The French defeat the Mamelukes at the Battle of the Pyramids in Egypt. Napoleon's ally, Paul Barras, consolidates his power.Napoleon establishes his residence in the Tuileries Palace, the location where Louis XVI was held under house-arrest between the period of his attempted escape from Paris and his execution.
  • The End of Napoleon

    The End of Napoleon
    Napoleon dies on St. Helena