Images 8

my trip/pro. 1- max page

  • leaving for trip

    leaving for trip
    My family went to visit DC, where my brother & I were born, on an airplane. It took about 3 hours.
  • Period: to

    time of trip :)

  • arriving at, in DC, hotel

    arriving at, in DC, hotel
    I don'nt remember the name of the hotel but I thought it was nice.
  • going out to have fun

    going out to have fun
  • first the zoo

    first the zoo
    We went to the zoo
  • washington national museum

    washington national museum
    It had lots of cool things that I remembered from the last time I was here.
  • rest/break day

    rest/break day
    I did nothing but watch tv all day in the hotel.
  • next the musemum of modern art

    next the musemum of modern art
    That musemum had lots of cool art that I enjoyed.
  • visit old friends

    visit old friends
    my family went to visit the people we knew
  • went to the park

    went to the park
    We went to the park & had a bbQ.
  • store

    I went to a lot of different stores with my mom
  • went inside the washington monument

    went inside the washington monument
    really cool
  • went out to eat at a nice restaurant

    went out to eat at a nice restaurant
  • aquarim

  • packed to leave

    packed to leave
  • left DC

    left DC