My Journey Through Geologic Time

  • 146


    IAlthough I miss the dinosours im not goig to miss almost getting eaten by a T-Rex! Im glad I gave my pod indestructable capabilities, and it can find me if i ever get lost. I am thankful for that. It smells realy good today, I look out the wondow of my pod and I see flowering plants for the first time! This may be good, but i am In an extreem global warming, i cant feel the heat becuase im in my cooled pod. Yey!
  • 200


    I am finally in the oficial "Age of Dinosours", simmilar to my last enrtry and visit, the weather is warm and dry, and the tmosphere is tropical. This is nothing like Jurassic park on tv, its way way better. The ocean is filled with many bony fish, sharks, and marine crocodiles, thats scary. im gonna get out of here. see ya!
  • 251


    I have always wanted to see dinasours, now my wish has come true, finally i can see the first dinosours. the air is warm but there is almosy no species in the ocean. Land is where the life is. for now. lets see how this evolves. Ill just hang with the first dino's. see ya next entre. Peace!
  • 416


    Wow! Two subsontinents just formed! They are named too, one is Godwana, and the other is Euramerica. Im standing over both of these subcontinents in my pod, in the air. for as far as I can se its all ocean.Lets see how it changes after this Period.
  • 444


    I feel like im in a rainforest or smack on the equator. But I am on the quator, Just in what will soon be North America, The equator is covering all areas form New York to Navada, even though now there is no New York or Navada. Also Im seeing upright plants and more wetlands populated with species, slowly oming back from the ice age. And finally the first coral reef is formed, and I can snoekle again! Let me get my scuba equitment this time! see you soon, going to scuba!
  • 542


    The Earth is changing quickly as im traveling through its age, and land forms keep growing. There mushing together like water and water, it just keeps getting bigger and adding on. Continents are hard to tell apart right now, just a big clump of land and some large islands. Animals with exoskeletons are on the planet with me now, and they have shells and everything! Looks like the birth of early turtles, that look nothing like turtles. Supper cool! Off to Ordovician!
  • Jan 1, 1112


    i am now in the most recent 2.6 million years and things are still looking different. An ice sheet from the north pole to North America and europe has covered alot of the planet in yet another ice age and glacier coverage. As this ice melts It starts to form mountains, but I cant go Skiing today I didnt bring my Skis. This was an honor traveling with you! I will see you I present time 2015! for the last time, Peace!
  • Jan 1, 1123


    Almost back to present time! I can put my windows down in my pod today, becuase the air has dried and cooled down. Some species have adapted to this cooler planet and some others just died off. As im flying over the ocean, it looks alot lower, the sea levels have droped expinentialy. This is making my windows get a little steamy from the mosture in the air. I better go before I cant see anything. Peace.
  • Jan 1, 1166


    I took a nap today, and woke up from it with a herd of grazing animals surrounding me. It keeps getting hotter here on Earth, I guess I wont be leaving my pod today. I hovered over to the ocean and see the first whales, man are they big mamals! I fly up higher into the sky and se the continents have seperated more, looking more like they do today. Im going ot stay in this period one more day so I can see the new, horses, primates, bats, pigs, cats, and dogs, I cant wait! Its like me own zoo!
  • Ordovician

    Now im glad I brought my snorkle, becuase there if finally marine lilfe! the first kinds of marine life have arrived and Im going to so swim with them! Im also going to look at all the new shallow water reefs form. I better go snorkle fast, I herd an Ice age is coming. Ill say goodbye to my marine friends, becuase they may not survive the mas ice age, sorry friends but you may go exitict. See ya!
  • Carboniferous

    Today looks like the vegitable section in the grocery store. Brocoli and spinch. All green is all I am seeing. Vegitation is everywhere, and oxygen is being created through the photosynthesis with the trees and plants. I wish I could stay in this majestic forest longer but I must keep going. 'Moss' on planet Earth. Peace.
  • Permian

    What? There was just a huge mass extinction, I cant find any of my friends anymore, any organizms or marine life, is basicaly all gone. I will get to use my sun roof in my pod today because of this tropical weather everythwere. Its like vacation. Oh no its starting to rain, I bettter re think my sunroof, I should have expected this with the increased amounts of seasonal rainfall. Note to self: Keep a lice comb handy, there everywhere, lice, flies and beatles. I dont like begs, Im gonna leave now
  • Proterozoic

    It seems as though I need a little less of my preserved oxygen, there must be more oxygen finally in the air. I see multi cellular organizma begining to form beneath my feet, this is so cool! I can finally drive my pod on the land masses that hvae formed over the seas, making land bridges and glaciers. No more needing to fly, when I can drive on the earth! lets see where this goes...
  • Archean

    Just waking up from my nape between time periods, Today I opened my eyes and I am here! The Planet is a little bit cooler, and Its not all red, Theres more divercity. Theres even some oceans starting to form from all this left over water vapor in the air, Yet still no oxygen for me to breath. Good thing I dont have asthma. A valcano just eruped under an ocean! More hot volcanic steam coming my way, I better get a move on. Wait, cant forget to take the first singe celled life form with me.
  • Hadean

    I have arrived in my oxegen capsule in the Hadean time. Im glad I invented my endless suply of oxygen machine becuase the only thing in the air here is choaking fumes that would kill me instantly. Im starting to sweat as I step outside my temperature controled capsule, becuase of all the magma and hot rock, it feels like I am on the sun! This Earth is just like a baby sun, hot and firey, the only thing pushing me and this planet into orbit is the magma ocean i see coming twards me, I better go.