New year 2010 fireworks thumb5943912

My Top Ten Resolutions for 2010

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    Get into a Specialized Highschool

    I want to get into a specialized highschool; preferably Stuyvesant, Bronx Science, or Brooklyn Tech. We already took a test for the Specialized High Schools and we're getting our reseults sometime in February.
  • Grow Taller

    Grow Taller
    I hope to reach atleast 5 feet tall by my birthday.
  • Save Money

    Save Money
    I hope to save enough money by the beginning of May to pay for things such as Senior dues and Senior Trip.
  • Get into ARISTA

    I hope to get into ARISTA again this year to make it my second year.
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    Pass the Regents

    I hope to pass both Science and Math Regent tests this year so I don't have to retake it in highschool.
  • Finish a Popular Series of Books

    Finish a Popular Series of Books
    I hope by the end of 8th grade, I get to finish reading a popular series of books.
  • Expand my Vocabulary

    Expand my Vocabulary
    By the end of 8th grade, I hope to expand my vocabulary, ready for high school and in preperation of the SAT.
  • Get a CellPhone

    Get a CellPhone
    I hope to get a cellphone by this date. I don't plan on getting it any earlier because my parents said the I can't get one till I graduate.
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    Go to Bangladesh

    I hope to be able to visit all my relatives in Bangladesh again after 5 years of waiting.
  • Gain Weight

    Gain Weight
    I hope to gain weight by the beginning of next school year. My goal is 105 LBS.