Automobiles help you get to your destination. Instead of walking, you can get a car and drive. So you can sit and dirve at the same time -
the telephone
The telephone is a way we communicate when we're far away. The tekephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. And the telephone is important to me because it can be used long distance, and it can be used for emergencies. -
The lightbulb
the lightbulb is a invention made by Thomas Edison that made our lives easier by letting us see things that we can't see. If it wasn't for lightbulbs, this world would be very dark at night -
the calculator is one invention that changed my life. Instead of just working out the problems, I can used the calculator to give me the answers. Because most math problems I can't work on paper, But im glad the caalculator came to the rescue. -
the smoke detector
the smoke detector tells us when their is something smoking or on fire. the detector will make a loud beep sound in case we can't hear it. So when we hear it, we know to either put the smoke out or get out -
The camera is another inventon used for taking pictures and making memories.All cameras are not the same. Some flash and some don't. Several people have cameras when your pictures come out of the camera, but you have to wait a little while for the pictures to clear up. -
the printer
the printer is a excellent invention to print things you can used. Inlove printing because you don't have to go back and find information when your informaton is sitting right in front of you on your desk or wall or anywhere. And it can also be easy to read instead of using your handwriting -
the refrigerator
the refrigerator helps everyone in the kitchen. If you have food in your house, you can put it the frig for later. this invention keeps your cold food cold. But don't leave it in their too long or it will be rotten and no good. -
traffic light
the traffic light is used to help cars to get aross the street. Without it, their would be accidents everyday.Each color on the traffic light represents how you are supposed to move your car. Red means to stop, yellow means to slow down, and green means to go -
the atm helps you get your money out of your credit card. Instead of writing a check, you can get your cash out of the ATM machine. -
the personal computer
The personal computer is used for pretty much everything. But my favorite reason why its important is because it can be used to get information on things you need. You can also use it for downloading games, listening to music, fun online websites, etc. -
The GPS is invented to help you find your destination. If you don't know how to get to your destination, the GPS (Global Positionig System) will help you.