My Timeline Project

By jlr0613
  • Prenatal Development and Birth

    I was the first child born to my parents. Although it was not an easy birth. Placenta abrupt + emergency c-section = a healthy baby girl, 7lbs 7ozs.
  • First Two Years: Biosocial Development

    During this time, I just want to get moving. I learn to sit up on my own, crawl, and stand on my own.
  • First Two Years: Cognitive Development

    I found my security blanket, my thumb; I began thumb sucking at this time as a soothing activity. I enjoyed my favorite food, spaghetti. I’m not sure I enjoyed the taste or the fun of playing with it more.
  • My First words

    My first word according to my mom was at 8months and it was “Dada”.
  • My First Birthday!

    Your traditional get your hands into that cake birthday, Sesame Street themed of course.
  • I take my first steps

    I learn to walk on my own, look out here I come! (at 13months)
  • First Two Years: Psychosocial Development

    Classic Secure Attachment; Every time the song by Lionel Richie came on when I was in the car with my mom, I would just stop, stare and smile at her. She still tells the story to this day.
  • Middle Childhood: Psychosocial Development

    Since, I am going to be a big sister; this is a good time to start learning how to share.
  • I am a Big Sister!!

    My younger sister Jessica is born. Not sure what to think of her at this time.
  • My first day of Kindergarten

    I am a big girl now, away from my mom for a half of day!!
  • A new edition

    My baby brother is born, Matthew.
  • My First Job

    I got my first job, at a veterinary clinic.
  • School is out for the summer

    I would look forward to the end of the school year, not to just be off of school. I would look forward to spending the night at my grandma's. I would stay as long as I could. I looked up tpo her so muc, attached to her hip.
  • The kids finally won (Biosocial & Cognitive)

    After many many years of begging and pleading with our parents, we finally convince them to let us get a puppy. We pick up a 9week old australian shepherd, black and white. We name her Pepper. My siblings and I have a big responsibility now.
  • Adolescence: Psychosocial Development

    I graduated High School today. First step in going out into the real world now.
  • The worst day of my life!!!

    Suddenly, my grandmothers beautiful heart fails her and she becomes an angel in heaven.
  • A step for my future

    I start the nursing program! I am enrolled in my first nursing class, pharmacology. Little did I know, I would meet three fellow classmates, whom would turn out to become part of my family. My three best friends.
  • My first “Blind Date”.

    One of my closet’s friends from nursing school, thought it would be a good idea to set me up on a blind date. Little did I know…….
  • Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial Development

    I graduated from Nursing School. I have an associate’s degree in Nursing, though I have not yet turned 21 yet. My grandmother would be so proud!
  • I turn 21!!!

    Big mile stone in people’s lives, turning 21?! Look out here I come. Also in July, I passed my nursing boards!!! I am official now, I have a license in Michigan
  • My First Job as a RN

    I got my first job, at St. Mary’s Hospital in Livonia. I am just barley legal to vote and drink, scary to have my first job, taking care of people. Scared to be so young, how will people treat me?!
  • Not just a blind date…..

    That blind date, turned out well. He (Scott) popped the question, while up north for a romantic getaway. He did good too 
  • Here comes the bride…..

    Scott and I are married.
  • White picket fence

    We hope to make our first big purchase. We hope to buy and move into our first home by the end of the year.
  • Adulthood: Biosocial Development

    We hope to have at least one child by this time, if not two.
  • Ten Years.......

    Out ten year anniversary, we will celebrate it with a trip to Italy.
  • Adulthood: Cognitive Development

    I will be done with my masters, and have my NP license
  • Just one more…….

    How about a third child?!
  • Time to cut back

    After the birth of our third child, I would love to be a stay at home mom. Reality will set in, hopefully I can cut work back to part time.
  • If dreams could come true....

    Win the lotto!!! ;)
  • Enjoying my life

    I just want to be enjoying my life, watching my children grow up. Enjoy making memories with my family.
  • Parents

    My parents will be in their 80's now, hopefully in decent health. Will be helping take care of them along with my sister and brother. Last resort, nursing home. Depending on their health they will live with one of us, kids.
  • Adulthood: Psychosocial Development

    Hopefully by 60 I will be retired. Though realistically I might have to work a little longer. Hopefully, my health will permit it.
  • Late Adulthood: Psychosocial Development

    Hopefully, by this stage in my life I will have continued to be happily married. I will for sure be retired!!! I will be able to spend these years with my family. Maybe even grand-children to spoil. I would love to see my spouse and taking advantage of life more, enjoying life. Like traveling, taking classes, and enjoying the outdoors.
  • Late Adulthood: Biosocial Development

    Although in this stage of life, you are no longer able to fight the aging process, I hopefully will have taken good care of myself in the years prior. With healthy eating habits, no smoking and lots of massages!! Even though I might have to encounter acute decrease’s in hearing and vision. Hopefully, at least by this stage of life, my stress level will be low, so that doesn’t speed up the aging process.
  • Late Adulthood: Cognitive Development

    In this stage of life I get to look forward to slower brain processing/ thinking. Less effective memory and control processes. I will be at higher risk for diseases that affect the brain, like dementia and Alzheimer’s. On the other hand, I will be entering my “golden years.” I will have the wisdom that comes with age. I will look back at my life, hopefully with feelings of happiness, fulfillment and great perspective.
  • Death and Dying

    Based on the “Life Expectancy Calculator” I am predicted to live to a ripe old age of 88. Hopefully, I pass peacefully in my sleep, without suffering.