world war 1 begin and end date. then world war 2 time line with ellie wiesels birth,

By t-dogg
  • Period: to

    world war 1

  • hitler becomes the leader the nazis

  • eli wiesel was birthed

  • 1st concentration camp near berlin

  • hitler becomes the chancelor of germany,

  • Period: to

    berlin has olympics that had jesse owens

  • kristallnact

  • nazis begin killing the disabled

  • allied powers declare war on germany

  • Period: to

    nazi campaign in northern africa.

  • jews were ordered to wear yeller stars

  • japan bombs pearl harbor, dragging us into the war.

  • D-Day, marking a near end to the european theater.

  • eli wiesel and his father was transfered to buchenwald

  • eli wiesel's dad dies, just months before the allied power can rescue them.

  • the bomb was dropped by the usa, on nagasaki, marking the end of the wars.

  • the first atomic bomb was dropped on hiroshima.

  • creation of pink shag