
My timeline Mirsulith Gallego 10C

  • my birth

    my birth
    when i was born, all my family was very happy, since my mom had lost a baby before, so i the beautiful mirsu arrived to give joy to her days.
  • my first words

    my first words
    The first word I said was dad, babbling, and a year and a half later I could speak, we had set a rule and it was that if I managed to say the things I saw around me well, they would buy me something I wanted.
  • my first birthday

    From what I see in the photos of the album, my first birthday was very nice, the whole family was there, my mom tells me that day had been crazy because there were so many people.
  • first day of school

    I don't remember much about my first day of school, but I must have been very nervous and excited, since I was going to leave the environment I was so used to being in. But that day I had made my first friend, and to this day we still talk to each other.
  • my primary

    My primary school was a very special and fun time in my life, I made several friends who still accompany me today, I think we had shared so many moments, jokes and jokes that today have a lot of value for me.
  • graduation

    I feel that my graduation was not a very fun day, rather it was boring, in the morning my mom had gone to work and she was late to take me to school, when we arrived nothing happens to commemorate.
  • first day of secondary school

    I feel that in my first year of high school destiny was present there, because I remember that I had not stayed in the same room as my friends but in return I met more people who influenced my life a lot.
  • i come to my life Marqueza

    Marqueza is my little dog, she helped me a lot to overcome the eating disorder I was going through, because at that time I was alone in my house with no one to accompany me which made me not want to eat, I was very skinny and at school gave me the palida. Marqueza's arrival was something very special because she had been abandoned on the streets, so I needed her and she needed me.
  • arrival of lupita

    She had also been abandoned by her owner, but unlike my baby marqueza, she had been left to take care of my mom but never returned for her.
  • my fifteen years

    for my 15th birthday my parents decided to have a party, it was the only one that I will never forget, I was surrounded by all the people that I loved a lot. I remember that my entrance had been singing, I don't sing very well but that was what my mom wanted and I pleased her.