Starting sports
When I was about five years old my parents put me into soccer and basketball. From the moment that I scored my first goal I was hooked. I started playing soccer which then made me want to be even more active, so I played basketball as well. Also as a kid sports helped me get rid of all my energy, (which I had a lot of). Playing these sports makes me sane because it gives me an escape from the daily stress I go through. I also love being part of a team, which helped me to work with others. -
Getting lost in target
I'm not really sure how old I was but I will never forget it. I was looking at the funny cards with my brother and my mom. I looked up from a card and to see that they were gone. I started to panic, but I thought it would be best to stay in the same spot and wait for them to come back. I waited for what felt like ten minutes, and they didn't come back. I got this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I then walked over to customer service and told them I was lost. Then my mom came and found me. -
Starting lacrosse
I started playing lacrosse in third grade. My brother played and I had to go to his games. I watched him play and I was jealous, I wanted to play. Once I started playing I learned just how hard this sport really was. It took me a long time till I got the hang of it, once I did I loved it. This sport was different than the other ones because it was difficult. By playing lacrosse I learned how to work hard. It took me a while to score a goal but I never stopped trying until I did. -
High Honor Roll
I had made high honor roll for the first time in seventh grade. I had only ever made honor roll before then and wanted better. When I read the high honor roll certificate I couldn't believe it. I had worked really hard to get my grades up and get my average up. I was so happy because this sheet of paper had told me that it had actually been worth all the hard work. I had set a goal for myself and it paid off, I learned from this that hard work and not giving up on a goal pays off. -
Broke my wrist
It was summer and I was on a camp field trip, the field trip was at a trampoline park. The dodgeball trampoline game was my favorite activity there. I wanted to play one last time before we left and my friends didn't want to play anymore so I decided to play one last time without them. I lost within a minute but that didn't stop a kid from thinking that I was still in. I was walking out and I saw him pull his arm back and throw a ball at me. He threw it at me so hard that it fractured my wrist. -
My dog dies
My dog was sixteen years old when he died. I had known him since I was born and he was family to me. It was hard for me to go through this because I had never lost someone before. It was weird going through daily things without him around because he had always been around my whole life. I had trouble at first balancing grief with school. I knew that it was inevitable because he was old, but I wasn't prepared for it. I had trouble for a while but finally I got through it, I will always love him. -
Trying Out
This was my second time trying out for the High School basketball team. I knew that my chances were low because there were many people who had already made the team last year that were trying out for the same position as me. I had to try though because it would have bothered me if I didn't know that I could have made it but didn't try. I went to all of the tryouts which went on for four days and I tried my best. I got the results and I didn't make the team, but at least I tried my best. -
Captain of the Jv Lacrosse team
I knew that it was a possibility to be captain this year because I had been playing the longest out of everyone on the team. However I didn't know if my teammates would vote for me. When it came to voting for captains I could've voted for myself. My coach even said that I should vote for myself. However I didn't vote for myself because I felt it was wrong to vote for yourself. I got captain anyway and was very happy. I found out later that almost everyone had voted for me, which surprised me. -
Almost scoring the game winning goal
It was the end of the lacrosse game and there was a minute left and I had just been fouled by a girl. So I had a shooting shot to score the game winning goal. Everyone was looking at me and depended on me. I looked at the spot I was going to shoot at and I took a breath. The whistle blew and I shot at the goal with all my strength. But all of a sudden a girl jumps in front of my shot and gets herself hit by the ball. I still think about that shot and what I could've done better. -
My dog gets cancer
One day we went to the vet for my dog's check up. My mom had only brought me along because I was going to practice driving on the way back home. We weren't allowed to leave the car because of the Coronavirus so they had to take her out of the car and then call us when they were finished. When they called us they didn't call to tell us they finished. They were calling to tell us that they found a tumor in her mouth. I didn't know what to think, or say. I was totally surprised by it.