Devin's Timeline

  • 1. When I was born

    1. When I was born
    I was born on May 19, 2005 in Mesa, Arizona. I had brown hair brown eyes and was an average weight.
  • 2. I was 3

    2. I was 3
    When I was 3 I learned many things. I learned how to read, ride a bike, swim, tie my shoes, play sports, and more. When I was 3 I learned how to do many things that I still use today!
  • 3. My brother

    3. My brother
    On February 14, 2011 (Valentines Day) my brother was born. I was 5 years at the time, about to turn 6 and I was so excited to have a little brother.
  • 4. Broken Pinky

    4. Broken Pinky
    When I was having fun in the summer at my cousins birthday party, i got my finger slammed in a door and it broke. The finger came off about half way and my parents drove me to the emergency room. They gave me stitches and I was good to go. They took X-Rays and it was broken, but I didn't have to do surgery.
  • 5. Sports

    5. Sports
    I started to play sports with my friends and cousins. It was a lot of fun. We would play every weekend and watch sports on the TV.
  • 6. Graduated Elementary

    6. Graduated Elementary
    I finally was done with elementary school and I was so happy. I was so excited for Jr. High and meeting new people.
  • 7. Jr. High

    7. Jr. High
    I was finally in Jr. High, I was a big kid. I had so much fun with my new friends and teachers. I loved being at a bigger school with new people and new activities.
  • 8. Broken Elbow

    8. Broken Elbow
    During the summer going into my 8th grade year I broke my elbow. I was very mad because at the time I played Softball and I couldn't play for a while because it was my throwing arm. I got a screw placed in my elbow to keep it stable and to this day, I still have it in my arm.
  • 9. World Series

    9. World Series
    During the summer before high school, my softball team and I had a crazy winning streak. We won district, state, regionals, and made it all the way to the Softball Little League World Series. This was the most fun I've ever had. We went to Payson, Tucson, and even Washington to play in the World Series. We had the best time and ended up getting 5th in the world!
  • 10. Hawaii

    10. Hawaii
    I went to Hawaii with my family last month. It was a very fun trip and I love going to Hawaii. It was a very great experience and I had a great time with my family. We surfed, played games, drove around the Island, and shopped. It was a great experience that I wont forget.