My timeline

  • Being born

    I was born in Hidalgo
  • Kindergarden

    The first academic education that I had was at Santa Rosa de Lima Kindergarden
  • Elementariy school

    I continued my estudies at "5 de Mayo" school
  • High scool

    Then, once that I completed my previous education I studied at "Club de Leones"
  • College

    My interest in learning how do electronic things work an recreate them leaded me to study a technician in electronics career at Cetis 109
  • Vex Robotics

    Vex Robotics
    I started a robotics course during summer to improve my electronic and mechanic skills.
  • Olimpiada Mexicana de Matemáticas

    In my second year at Cetis 109 I was participant at the OMM, where I reached to being part of the pre-selection team of Tamaulipas.
  • Concurso Estatal de Prototipos

    Concurso Estatal de Prototipos
    A partner invited me to colaborate in a proyect with a profesor called "Módulo didáctico de adquisición de señales para aplicarse a PLC's", proyect with which we competed at the state stage.
  • University

    I got a 100% scolarship to study at Tecnológico de Monterrey, and I decided to study Mechatronic Engineering
  • Asimovs

    A group of partners and I created a club with the purpose to apply what we learn in class in a real environment.
  • OnCampusJobs

    Recently I begun my first formal job colaborating in a proyect with profesor Irandi, which try to teach physics and mathematical problems trough legos.
  • Future...

    Next year I would like to apply for an scolarship to an international program exchange at Alemania for a whole year. And after that, at my last semester I would like to do an Aeronautic Concentration at Queratro.
  • Future job

    Future job
    I would like to work in aeronautic sector, so that's why I would like to do a Master in this sector, to increase my chances for working in a big aircraft as would be Bombardier or Safran.