March 10, 2002
My name is Laura Valentina Fajardo Hernandez, I was born in Bogota on March 10, 2002 in the jerusalen cami (Ciudad Bolivar)
When I was 3 months old, I got sick from the lungsand I was in the hospital for several months -
My parents
My mother name is Gloria Fabiola Hernández and my father is Jesus Antonio Fajardo, they are dedicated to informal commerce. during the time I was in the hospital they agreed to take care of me -
The garden
At the age of two, my mother decided to enroll me in a garden, although she was hospitalized most of the time. When I was little I ate very little, my mother told me that she would come home with meat or chicken in one uniform pocket and in the other pocket lentils, peas, or any other type of grain. I was in that garden for three years and I entered school at five years old -
My brothers
I have three brothers. The oldest name is Diego he is 34 years old, the next is Eduin he is 25 years old, he took care of me when we were little, because my mom worked a lot and my dad didn`t live with us, we played a lot and we were always alone because my brother did not she liked to be looked after by my grandma or another relative. The last one is Nicol, she is 15 years old and lives with my dad, we are very close although we see each other little -
My childhood
weeks after I was five years old my lungs were much better and I didn't go back to the hospital in a long time. in that same year my mother leased Mrs. Ana an apartment, she is currently my godmother. My brother always played with my godmother's children and I was the concentrated girl in the house. When we played house we used the dining room table, chairs, rugs, blankets and took the television out of the bedroom to put it in the house. It was the best time of my childhood. -
The school
At the age of five, he entered the school. Instituto San Pablo Apostol is a Catholic school. At that same school, he attended elementary school and high school. The teacher scolded me a lot because I was very talkative but a good student, I was always very sociable and it did not matter if they changed my position because I made new friends -
Cultural outlet
When I entered sixth grade, it was my first trip to Quiroga, the school I was in is private and we have the tradition of going every month to the main headquarters of the school, which is in Quiroga. the entrance was at 8 am and an hour later the eucarestia began, then they presented plays, dances, singing, music, etc. then we would leave the coliseum and go to eat, play, dance or just talk to the other students -
My aunt Dielle Mercedez Hernandez Boerman
My favorite aunt is called Dielle, she was given up for adoption when she was born and at the age of 18 we met. I came to visit every two years. He was a very happy, friendly, kind and studied person. He lives in Amsterdam with his parents and his brother, who is also Colombian, but he decided not to look for his biological family. -
The best visits
When my aunt came to visit Colombia she came with many gifts for everyone, I was her favorite niece and she gave me more gifts. We slept together, we played together, we bathed together, most of the time was dedicated to me. I look like her physically and when we went out she said I was her daughter -
Holland trip
In 2014 my aunt was ill with cancer and the following year she passed away. I still miss her too much and I remember her constantly, I only have the memories. Months before she died, I paid my mother and grandmother a trip to the Netherlands to meet and say goodbye to her. They lasted there two weeks and two days before her arrival in Colombia, my nephew Matias was born. -
Tribute to Mary
The school where I studied has a tradition to take a walk on May 24 in tribute to the Virgin Mary, the entire school meets and several great people from the sector in the headquarters of potosi and we walked to the church, we lasted approximately two hours praying and singing to the virgin during the procession. A month before we organized the choreography of all the songs with the school band and the order of entry to the church by course -
The Eucharist
On May 24, eleven is the most important course, it is in charge of the decoration of the church, prepares the altar of the virgin and the load throughout the event and organizes the choreography of the songs. During the Eucharist the father makes a special prayer for the eleven-year-old students, asks them to do well in their new stage outside of school and for a good score in the ICFES -
The farewell
This day is one of the best memories with my classmates, because we all say goodbye to the teachers, managers and friends, we thank the teachers and especially the institution, we enjoy the day to the fullest and we go with the aim of entering the university for a better future -
The University
In March 2019, I entered the Francisco Jose de Caldas District University, Faculty of Technology, in the career of technology in industrial production management, I am in the third semester and I hope to graduate next year.