Microhistory timeline- Lexi Tinnerello

  • I was born

    I was born
    Demographics- How many girls were born in the U.S. in 1999?
  • My sister was born

    My sister was born
    Demographics- What was the average number siblings in each family in 2002?
  • Had my first communion

    Had my first communion
    Social History- When did Catholics first start the tradition of having a first communion?
  • Moved into a new house in Waterford CT

    Moved into a new house in Waterford CT
    Demographic question- What is the average number of homes a person lives in during their childhood?
  • Adopted my dog Gershwin

    Adopted my dog Gershwin
    Demographics- How many dogs were apodted into a family in 2009?
  • Moved to Wilmington NC

    Moved to Wilmington NC
    Political- What were taxes on homes in Wilmington NC in 2011 and who was mayor?
  • Got my drivers permit

    Got my drivers permit
    Demographics- What is the average age for teens to get their drivers permit in the U.S.?
  • I got my braces off.

    I got my braces off.
    Demographics- How many children get braces put on every year in the U.S.?
  • Got my first car

    Got my first car
  • Started CFA Highschool

    Started CFA Highschool