Andrea Nicole DeBord was born! Born at 9am, 7lbs, 15oz
Born at 9am, 7lbs, 15oz -
Biosocial: My mother breast fed me till I was 6 months old.
Cognitive: Learned to say "no" and "mama".
Psychosocial: I started learning to use the potty.
Biosocial: I took ballet dance.
Biosocial: My baby sister was born!
Cognitive: I started preschool!
Psychosocial: My dad left and my parents got divorced.
Cognitive: Start kindergarten!
Biosocial: I start 1st grade in Mrs. Kellum's class.
Psycosocial: My mother, sister and I move in with my grandparents.
Biosocial: I start 4th grade at a new school, Centenial Elementary in South Lyon.
Biosocial: Start menstrating
Cognitive: Graduate from South Lyon High School
Biosocial: Start drinking at age 19
Cognitive: Graduate with Medical Assitanting Certificate from Ross Medical Education Center
Psychosocial: Start cohabitating with my boyfriend
Cognitive: Graduate from Schoolcraft College with Nursing Degree
Biosocial: I marry my sweetheart!
Biosocial: First child is born
Gognitive: Graduate with BSN
Biosocial: Have foot surgery to remove bone cyst
Psychosocial: Move my mother in with me
Biosocial: Start Menopause at 61
Cognitive: Diagnosed with Dementia
Psycosocial: My husband with pass way
I pass away a few months after my husband of natural causes.