My Timeline

  • My Birth

    August 15th I was born, i believe i was born at 2am so i barely even made it into the 15th of August!
  • My Brothers Birth

    10 months after came my brother, i only had one christmas before he came right after me.
  • Daycare Too?

    me and my brother used to go to daycare until our mom would pick us up, unfortanley daycare didnt last that long because of my brother.
    unsure when we started but i know we went.
  • First Day Of School!

    I started kindergarten at this time, i went to truman! (Unfortunately the school shut down in 2020)
  • Soccer, But For PreSchoolers

    yeah.. i played soccer ever since DAYCARE. i dont really remember much all i remember is putting on oversized jerseys
  • First Phone!

    It was my 5th birthday when i got a phone, it was a iphone 7. and i still have that same phone today !!
  • first surgery..?

    this wasnt a typical "oh cool im getting surgery" i swallowed a penny being the stupid 5 year old i was. right before my best friends birthday, they had to put a claw in my throat and grab the penny or i would of died.
    now ive learned to never swallow metal.
  • Moved Schools!

    In 2017 i was in 3rd grade, and also when i moved from truman to hoover! i was upset i left behind my best friend but hoover was really cool, i made some friends

    in 2021 i discovered south park, my favorite shows. i have merchandise now.. i hope to see a performance someday
  • Police Program?

    sometime over the summer i got to train to be a police, it was a one week program about defense and other things.
  • Soccer, But For Middle Schoolers

    i took on soccer again after more then 7 years!! its pretty fun.